I heard that Mr. Gu has a crush on me

Chapter 534 No strength to hurt

Chapter 534 No strength to hurt (1)

"If you finish what you want to say, get out!" She said hoarsely.

The body is numb in cold water.

I feel that the words I hear are like knives being stabbed.

"Since you look at me like that and have no intention of believing me at all, then I have nothing to say."

Gu Annan sneered, took out the phone in his hand, and her text message was on the screen, "Trust you? Are you going to tell me that this text message was sent by someone else?"

She frowned tightly and said nothing.

"Tell me, you didn't post this!" His voice came from Gao, "Or, was someone forcing you to post it?"

Lu Wanwan bit her lip and said for a while, "I posted it myself."

"Okay! Very good!" He sneered lowly, holding the phone tightly with his fingers, "Didn't you tell me to believe you? Lu Wanwan, tell me again, the scarf you said was left in the dormitory. Where?"

"Bai Lingyun's hands." She crossed her arms and answered without thinking, "You sent someone to follow me, don't you all know?"

That girl was next to their private room that day, and then Gu Annan appeared downstairs without warning.

She saw the girl get into Gu Annan's car with her own eyes, she didn't know what she said, and now she realized that she must be telling him her whereabouts, telling him what she heard.

Lu Wanwan was in the bathtub, and she didn't know when Gu Annan went out.

She got up and took a shower, dried herself, put on clean clothes and walked out.

No one from Gu Annan was seen in the room, so he went to find his mobile phone and checked the current level.

After reading it, as she expected, she was scolded miserably.

The fighting power of Bai Lingyun's fans has always been strong, and in their mouth, she has become a woman who commits suicide.

I don't know who has already revealed that she is married, and fans say that she is married and came to seduce Bai Lingyun.

Clearly showing sympathy, but actually stepping on her husband whose identity no one knows.

Lu Wanwan admired her calmness at this moment, or rather, having reached this point, she accepted the worst plan.

Flipping through the revelations page by page, it was as numb as reading other people's stories, as if they were scolding others.

Whether it is Bai Lingyun's fan or black, she is the one who attracts the most scolding.

Lu Wanwan is not surprised either. In this kind of pornographic news, women are always the ones who get scolded the worst, and the ones who get scolded the most are also women.

Unlike the previous few times, this time she has clear photos of her face, live photos, and live videos, and she can't escape.

In addition to the connection with Lin Yu's incident earlier, she knew without thinking that she, the eldest daughter of the chairman of Jin'an Group, pushed her stepmother downstairs, and her stepmother was accused again, but died in the hospital before the trial. to her head.

Unsurprisingly, these black spots have become the focus of Bo Lingyun's fans when they are whitewashing their idols. Almost every post, every Weibo, there are always some hot spots that are copied, as if telling everyone that everything is to blame on her alone.

Lu Wanwan didn't want to read any more, just about to put the phone aside, but the phone vibrated.


Tang Xiao asked anxiously, "What's going on this time, how much hatred did you provoke?"

"It's okay, you can report as you want, not more than your family."

"I'm not talking about that." Tang Xiao quickly interrupted her, "Tell me honestly, is your boyfriend the legendary heir to the Gu family? No, it should be said, is your husband him?"

(End of this chapter)

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