After the movie

Chapter 1053 Someone Wants to Hit Aimee

Chapter 1053 Someone Wants to Hit Aimee (Eight Watch)
"That's right, besides, this is a TV drama. TV dramas can be processed artistically, interspersed with such an emotion, but it can't change the heart of an emperor." Aimee Wu also said aside.

This is originally a work about the growth of the emperor. Naturally, some plots cannot be changed. Artistic processing can be done, but there are too many.

Others also understood this truth, but they couldn't help but feel a little bit of emotion in their hearts. Now that Wu Yuyu said this, they smiled a little embarrassedly.

Xie Jifan continued filming, and Aimee Wu continued to write her own scripts, but from that day on, Aimee Wu gradually became lethargic. Later, when Xie Jifan went out, Aimi Wu was still sleeping. Fortunately, Aimi Wu did not go out after waking up, writing When writing the script, the food is all given by Shen Muxue.

On this day, Aimee Wu came to the set, just in time to see Xie Jifan coming down from filming, and she walked over.After walking a few steps, I saw a figure scurrying out, this figure scurrying very fast, Aimee Wu didn't pay attention, and was almost bumped into, but fortunately, Aimi Wu reacted quickly, her body reacted in a straight line, and she evaded this person with a sliding step hit.

"Aimee." Xie Jifan walked over to Aimi Wu and hugged her into his arms. Although he knew that Aimi Wu would be fine, he was still very scared: "Are you okay?"

Auntie Wu shook her head slightly: "It's okay." Looking at the person bumping into him, it was a young man she didn't know: "Who are you, you are not from the crew." Auntie Wu said with certainty.

Xie Jifan also saw the person coming, looked at that person coldly, and the coercion passed instantly: "Say, who asked you to come here."

At the same time, other staff members rushed over after hearing the news.

"I'm just curious, come in and take a look, nothing else." The young man looked at Xie Jifan in a panic.

"Curious, my crew has been doing a good job of security. Without my consent, no one is allowed to come in. Say, who are you?" No matter how powerful he is, he can't resist the power of Qiao Xiehua's family.

"I'm just an outsider." The young man remained stubborn.

"An outsider, can't he be a traitor?" Wu Yuyu suddenly said: "Otherwise, how could he come in with such ability, husband, hurry up and call Dad and have someone come to pick him up and have a good trial. It is very likely that he is treason." thief."

Traitor, once such a name comes out, there is no way to survive. This young man also understood this, his face changed, and he said: "I am really curious, there is no other meaning, I am from Xincheng Media Reporter, someone called me and said that Wu Yinghou was pregnant, that's why I sneaked in." The man was really scared, he didn't think that he would be charged with such a big crime just because of an accident.

"Then why are you rushing towards me?" Aimee Wu said coldly, "Do you think I don't know that you have a purpose? There are so many people in this theater, but you actually rushed towards me. You have to know that there is no one around me." Miss bodyguards, if you rushed over like this, if you didn’t prepare in advance, how could you rush to my side, don’t you feel like you’re deceiving yourself by what you’re saying now.”

The young man bowed his head, and Auntie Wu said calmly: "I don't ask you anything else. You can go to the police to explain all your questions. You have the right to keep your silence, but I reserve the right to prosecute you." Xie Jifan took a look.

(End of this chapter)

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