After the movie

Chapter 1109 Take the initiative to approach

Chapter 1109 Actively Approaching (ten more)
Of course, when exploring, I was still very careful to avoid her stomach, so as not to hurt the child.

After taking a bath for her, she lay on the bed with her arms around her: "Daughter-in-law, didn't you hurt you?"

"No." Aimee Wu actually felt that she was also very strange. Since she became pregnant, this feeling in her heart was very strong, so now that she was stable, she took the initiative to approach Xie Jifan. In fact, she was indeed very satisfied.

The two of them hugged and lay down like this, and it was already the morning of the third day of junior high school when they woke up again.

"Are you planning to go out today?" Xie Jifan asked Wu Yuyu.

Wu Yuyu tilted her head and thought for a while: "Let's go out for a walk, just treat it as a walk, we don't go far, just take a walk nearby, anyway, it's only the third year of junior high now, and there's nothing to go shopping."

"Okay." The wife made a request, and Xie Jifan would definitely agree, so without further ado, Xie Jifan went to prepare, and then the two changed into down jackets and went out.

The development near the courtyard where they live is good, there are all kinds of supermarkets, but because it is the third year of junior high school, apart from the supermarket, other stores are rarely open.

Xie Jifan helped Wu Yuyu walk slowly, they were originally on vacation.

"Let's go to the supermarket." Aimee Wu suddenly became interested: "I want to eat durian."

Xie Jifan hesitated, so he had no choice but to smile and said: "Okay, then let's go shopping."

Aimee Wu made a funny face. Ever since she got pregnant, Aimee Wu’s personality has become more and more weird. She likes to eat big fish and meat that she didn’t eat in the past. She didn’t expect to like durian now. Xie Jifan doesn’t like the taste of durian, but for himself Even if he doesn't like his wife, he still wants to go in and have a look, so the two of them entered the supermarket.

Wu Yunyu and Xie Jifan walked slowly, Xie Jifan supported Wu Yunyu with one hand and pushed the cart with the other.

Aimee Wu has a goal, so Xie Jifan naturally followed her. When she arrived at the fruit area, what Aimee Wu valued most was durian.

Aimee Wu went over and began to pick and choose. Xie Jifan could only rub his nose and keep up. No matter how much he didn't like it, he would reject his wife's opinion and let him go.

"Is this good?" Wu Yuyu pointed to one that was a little cracked.

"I'm inexperienced in picking durians. My wife has the final say. If it's not good, I'll buy it for you when the time comes." Xie Jifan said directly.

Wu Yuyu thought for a while, then nodded, and asked the shopping guide at the side to tie up the durian, weighed it, and put it in the cart.

"What else does my wife want to eat?" Xie Jifan asked.

"Roast duck." Wu Yuyu said.

Xie Jifan chuckled lightly: "I'll send some food from my own kitchen, how about it?"

Wu Yuyu thought about it, indeed, the roast duck in the supermarket can only be seen, the real taste is the delicious food from Xie's private kitchen: "Good."

The husband and wife were strolling around when suddenly someone rushed over, and the people behind shouted, "Thief."

Xie Jifan's eyes flickered, and he walked aside with Wu Yuyu in his arms, and then pushed the cart slightly, just blocking the way of the man. As a result, there was a jolt, and the thief fell to the ground, and the security guards behind quickly came to arrest him. live people.

Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu did not go to join in the fun, instead Xie Jifan helped Aimi Wu go to the settlement office to settle the money before leaving.

"It's true that you come out to be a thief in the first lunar month." Wu Yuyu said with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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