After the movie

Chapter 1111: The Ninja’s Head Is Showing Off

Chapter 1111: The Ninja’s Head Is Showing Off (Part [-])

"Junin?" Xie Jifan chuckled, "I didn't expect that the ninja of country r would follow our husband and wife, which is a bit interesting."

The jounin who appeared looked at Xie Jifan and didn't speak, as if he was thinking about the possibility of confronting the enemy.

"Sure enough, the ninjas in country r are all smart." Aimee Wu sighed helplessly.

"Why do you say that?" Xie Jifan asked curiously.

"I remember that it was written in a ninjutsu book. The so-called ninjutsu is a technique of endurance. You have to endure everything. It is common to endure hunger and starvation, and then you have to endure defecation. Tell me, isn't it Is this the kind of talent with a smart head? You know, the more you defecate, the worse it is for your body. Excretion is originally to get rid of toxins in the body. Now that it is not excreted normally, it will definitely have an impact on the body." Aimee Wu is very Seriously.

"Shut up." The Junin seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, but instead of continuing the topic, he looked at Xie Jifan: "How did you find me?"

"Do you need to look for it deliberately? What you did is too obvious." Xie Jifan said indifferently: "Today is the third day of the first lunar month. According to China, it is still between the Chinese New Year, and at such a time, most people will not go out. Shopping has already gone shopping, and my wife and I went out because my daughter-in-law wants to eat durian." He said without forgetting to raise the durian skin in his hand: "But when I went to the supermarket, I met a thief. Not many people go to the supermarket today. The thief chose to visit the supermarket today, which is definitely not the right time, so I felt that there was something tricky in it, but the thief was quickly taken away by the security guards at that time, so I didn't pursue it any further."

As he spoke, he got another piece of durian meat and handed it to Aimee Wu who had already finished eating one piece. Aimee Wu continued to eat her own durian, while Xie Jifan continued to explain: "After leaving the house, there were only a few books, and there was a car accident, which is even more weird. , You must know that one of the nearby streets is a pedestrian street, and the other is a speed-limited lane, and the speed limit must not exceed [-] kilometers per hour. How can there be such a sudden braking sound at such a speed, so there must be some shady business here."

Glancing at this jonin: "The third quarrel is even more absurd. Don't you know that quarreling in the New Year is an unlucky year? Turning around, so many things happened in such a short time today, if someone did not do it deliberately, it would be too coincidental, I never believe that there are so many coincidences in this world."

"What does this have to do with you finding me?" Shangren was puzzled.

"It doesn't matter, because I found out that the thief appeared because you bribed the thief. The purpose is to let the thief hit my wife. Of course, I won't speculate on why there is such a purpose. Today is the third day of the first lunar month. My head is on vacation, and the car is on vacation. When there was a car accident, I felt the wave of the master's attack, and in the final quarrel, I saw a figure on the opposite floor, although no one else could see it." Xie Jifan laughed like a fox.

"How could you find me?" Jonin seemed a little unbelievable.

Xie Jifan glanced at Jonin: "It's very normal for you to discover this, so why are you making such a fuss about it?"

Jonin still didn't believe it, he looked at Xie Jifan: "Do you know Chinese martial arts?"

(End of this chapter)

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