After the movie

Chapter 1118 Winning the lawsuit

Chapter 1118 Winning the lawsuit (ninth update)
Soon everyone was assembled, and the judge also came out, and then said: "According to the technical appraisal, this video is a real video, without any falsification, so Sunrise Entertainment Co., Ltd. was established for stealing the script, and the sentence is as follows. Destroy it, and compensate the beauty studio for the loss of 500 million Huaxia coins. At the same time, Risun Entertainment Co., Ltd. was sentenced to six months in prison with a three-year reprieve. Risun Entertainment Co., Ltd. will bear all the charges for this lawsuit , if you are not satisfied, you can appeal within three months. The Imperial Capital Intermediate People's Court sentenced, xxxx x month x day."

As soon as the verdict came out, it proved that the beauty studio had won the game. Wu Yuyu smiled in satisfaction, and then stood up. Xie Jifan helped Wu Yuyu to leave first. Although many reporters saw it, they did not chase them out. After all Aimee Wu has already answered three questions, so they are now surrounded by Ouyang Di.

Ouyang Di answered some questions with a smile, and then, with the assistance of the security guard, left the gate of the court. At this moment, Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu had already disappeared.

Wu Yuyu said to Xie Jifan: "Jifan, let's do some good deeds with the compensation." As a warlock, he naturally knows that karma will be rewarded, and the current compensation is not calculated by himself, so it is even more meaningful to do something meaningful good.

Wu Yuyu said this to Xie Jifan, Xie Jifan nodded without thinking: "Okay, just follow what you said, use the money to do something meaningful, what are you going to do?"

"I want to set up a foundation dedicated to cultivating new people with potential and excellent quality and dreams. These objects are generally aimed at minors, because they have dreams, but there is no channel for cultivating them. Of course, this kind of cultivating It is free in the early stage, and when their dreams are successful, they must feed back to the foundation according to their own abilities, and then provide opportunities for more dreamers." Aimee Wu told Xie Jifan her vision.

Xie Jifan smiled and said, "Just do it if you like it, let Ouyang do this."

Aimee Wu stuck out her tongue: "I think it's really a shame that Brother Di met us."

"It's not that easy to be a gold medal manager." Xie Jifan smiled slightly at Aimi Wu, and said this sentence.

Aimee Wu laughed when she heard this, and her expression seemed to be similar to that of a little fox.

When Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu were plotting against Ouyang Di, the Internet, newspapers, and various propaganda magazines had already reported this matter.

"A Showdown Caused by a Script"

"Beauty Chitose, Rising Sun and Setting Sun"

"Madden: The scriptwriter of the Daqing ancestor turned out to be the empress"

"Your Majesty is the ancestor, the empress is the screenwriter, and the husband and wife are mighty"

There is a lot of information about this type of headline, and Aimee Wu and Xie Jifan made headlines again.

Aimee Wu looked at the content of the headlines, and then said: "Really, a lawsuit will also be on the headlines. Sure enough, there is no news on the headlines recently."

Xie Jifan listened with a smile, and said: "Okay, don't care about this kind of news, the most important thing for you now is to raise your baby, and we will go to the mercenary world after a while."

Auntie Wu nodded: "Is the date fixed?"

"The competition date is on March [-]th, and there is still some time left, but I always have to find a reason to take you out. I said I will take you to make up for your honeymoon. By the way, the air abroad is better, so I can raise your baby, etc. You come back before giving birth." Xie Jifan said.

(End of this chapter)

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