After the movie

Chapter 1161 It's not like a game, it's like a vacation

Chapter 1161 It's not like a game, it's like a vacation (two more)

Wu Yuyu also does not deny that she eats a lot, mainly because she can't control her appetite. In fact, Xie Jifan and herself have been controlling it all the time, try to eat less and more meals, but who made her stomach Four, so I always eat more, and I am also hungry quickly.

"Sister-in-law, I picked wild plums. Do you want to taste them, but they sound sour." Yun Chong came over with a dozen yellow wild plums in his hand. They seemed to be ripe, but the taste of plums was sour. For the most part, except for Wu Yuyu, the others present are all men, and they have no interest in this wild plum.

Aimee Wu took a bite casually, the plum had already been washed clean, and Aimee Wu could eat it directly. She put it in her mouth and took a bite. The sour taste was very pleasant, and her eyes lit up when she ate it: "This tastes good, don't you guys eat it?" Eat it, give it to me."

"Here." Yun Chong put all the plums in front of Wu Yuyu.

Xie Jifan looked at Wu Yuyu's joyful look: "Like this taste?"

"Well, it's sour and refreshing, I like it." Aimee Wu nodded.

"Since you like it, after the ambush in the field, we will pick more, and you can eat it on the way back." Xie Jifan said to Aimu Wu.

Wu Yuyu nodded: "Why don't you dig a few plum trees and plant them in our Mo Palace, so that the future provinces will come to the mountains to pick them."

"Okay." Xie Jifan immediately agreed without saying a word,

"After eating, everyone will rest here today, and we will go to another place tomorrow." Xie Jifan said.

They were not in a hurry at all, mainly because Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu had already ruled out nano-robots, so apart from Aimee Wu, although the others wondered why Xie Jifan didn't let them go to explore the way, no one raised any objections. They all agree with Fan's words, and have no objection at all.

They are chic here, but the rest of the groups are not chic. They are all carefully looking around, looking very alert.

The same is true for the team of the four kings. King Sand found a snake not far away. A dart went over and knocked down the snake. He went over and quickly skinned the snake, and then came over: "You can roast the snake meat in a while."

Meisha looked around vigilantly, and then said: "Do you think we will meet the Black Emperor?"

"I hope to meet you." Sand King said directly: "I also want to have a good discussion with Hei Di."

"I also hope to meet." Joe also said: "I want to know what they will do when they meet us?"

"A duel between one emperor and four kings?" the count asked gracefully.

"It's best if we can meet each other. If we really don't, there's nothing we can do." Mei Sha also said.

At this time, a person came over to the count: "Count, there is a group of people ahead."

"How many?" asked the count.


"Then let's go and have a look." The count said with a smile, "We can rest after looting these few."

The others had no objection to this, and under the leadership of that person, they headed towards the goal.

Compared to the nervousness on the Four Kings' side, Xie Jifan's side was much more relaxed. The team would have thought that with such a team, they would not be in a hurry to find someone at all, and would instead treat this match as a vacation leisurely.

After eating, they chatted leisurely around the fire. Auntie Wu even took out a basic novel from her package and asked everyone if they would read it. Seeing the way Auntie Wu took out the novel at that time, it made everyone present The man froze.

(End of this chapter)

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