After the movie

Chapter 117 Red Envelope

Chapter 117 Red Envelope (Part [-])
"Don't worry, I've tested two of them, and they didn't treat you badly, so there's no problem. You've listened to a lot of songs in your previous life, so it's fine to copy one. Then Xie Jifan is in danger to you, then you can use the laser gun to kill him directly, don't worry at all." Liu Jiao said directly.

Wu Yuyu opened her mouth and said nothing in the end, but she listened to Liujiao's words, she knew that Liujiao had her own ability, which she didn't understand, since Liujiao said so, then Ouyang Di and Xie Jifan won't hurt her.

"Isn't it very good to just copy a song?" Aimee Wu said helplessly.

"Anyway, they will appear in this world. It doesn't matter whether it's good or not." Liu Jiao's words seemed a little more philosophical.

Wu Yuyu thought about it, Ouyang Di specially brought two artists, one is Xie Jifan, and the other is himself, but the company he works in Huanmai has many new artists, Ouyang Di, as a shareholder of Huanmai, naturally does not I hope Humai will go downhill.

Wu Yuyu tilted her head and thought for a while. She thought about popular songs and popular songs, and decided to follow folk songs. After thinking about the quota in her previous life, she silently wrote a song "Road to Heaven". It's for Ouyang Di.

Xie Jifan's, she tilted her head thinking, what should I give, is it really the pill of washing marrow?Wu Yugu pondered for a moment, and subconsciously dialed Xie Jifan's number.

"Hello, Aimee?" Xie Jifan's voice came.

"Uh." Aimee Wu realized that she had actually made a phone call, and hurriedly said, "Brother Xie, is there anything you like?"

"Huh?" came Xie Jifan's incomprehensible voice.

"Well, you prepared a red envelope for me, so I naturally have to prepare a red envelope for you, but I don't know what you like or want?" Aimee Wu had no choice but to express herself.

"You can send it, it's fine, you decide." Xie Jifan seemed to be in a good mood.

"Oh, okay." Wu Yuyu was speechless: "Then I'll hang up first, and I'll go think about presents."

"Okay." Xie Jifan hung up the phone, an indescribable gleam flashed in his eyes, but it was so fast that people couldn't catch it. All Ouyang Di saw was Xie Jifan's warm and slightly alienated expression.

"What happened to Aimee?" Ouyang Di asked.

"You are more prone to accidents than her." The implication is that if you have an accident, she will not have an accident.

"Then why did she call you?" Ouyang Di was full of doubts.

"No need to report." It means why she gave me a report for your phone number.

Ouyang Di was speechless: "Xie Jifan, you are not allowed to make scandals, otherwise your family."

Xie Jifan glanced at Ouyang Di: "Don't worry, I've never been involved in scandals." In the end, whether there is the second half of the sentence is up to others to guess.

Ouyang Di looked at Xie Jifan for a while, he was really a little uncertain about Xie Jifan, but since he said so, then he believed it.

"Let's go, fight with me." Xie Jifan pulled Ouyang Di and left.

"Hello, today is the first day of the first lunar month." Ouyang Di looked at his new clothes as if they were about to wrinkle.

"Don't you need to exercise on the first day of the first lunar month? This is not an excuse to be lazy, let's go." Then he dragged Ouyang Di out.

After Xie Jifan finished the trick and left happily, Ouyang Di still didn't understand why this ancestor was in such a good mood today.

(End of this chapter)

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