After the movie

Chapter 1185 Earl Dou

Chapter 1185 Earl Dou (16 more)
Three games were drawn on the first day, that is, everyone has three battles, the second day, the third day, and the fourth day will each have three games, and the fifth day will be the last two games, and then the results will be summed up , ranked.

After the battle on the first day, Aimee Wu actually participated in only one match, which was the last one. It was a competition with Mercenary Nine. She went on stage without saying anything.

Well, on the first day, Xie Jifan slapped Meisha in the first match, and the second match was Xie Jifan and Smoldering Flame. They only played a few tricks, gave some pointers by the way, and then Smolder conceded defeat. Everyone It can be seen that in fact, Xie Jifan can also solve it with a single palm. Xie Jifan did the same with Yang Jian in the third match, and Wu Yuyu directly slapped Mercenary Nine away in this match.

As a result, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that the husband and wife both had the habit of slapping the trapeze.

If Aimee Wu knew about it, she would definitely call out her innocence. She shot flying people because she didn't want to spend too much energy on flying people. If she fought too much with people, she would get tired physically. Although chalcedony can recover, tiredness means tiredness. The babies will be tired too, that's why Aimee Wu followed Xie Jifan's palm and slapped flying people.

So when he said that Mercenary Nine was shot flying, he was speechless, and the people he met were not normal people.

After one match, the first round of rankings came out, Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu were both in the top two, followed by Earl, Shi Lei, Yun Chong, Hua Zhixuan, Sha Wang, Yue Feihao, Yang Jian, Qiao, An Yan , Mercenary Boy, Mesa, Mercenary Nine, and Mercenary Greece.

After the competition on the first day, Aimee Wu and Xie Jifan went back to Mo Palace, while the others went to the side to discuss in good spirits.

Xie Jifan is always worried that Aimi Wu is not in good health and needs to rest, and Aimi Wu also enjoys such protection.

The two went back to the room to rest, and had nothing to say that night, and the next day was the single final of the next day, and the lottery was still drawn first.

The lottery determines the situation of the enemy, this time the bye is Mercenary Nine, the others will naturally have to face off, and Wu Yuyu's opponent is the Earl.

Wu Yuyu smiled slightly, finally able to play against one of the four kings.

Both Wu Yuyu and the Earl's number are three, so they are in the third group.

When she went up, the earl also went up. Looking at the Cleopatra mask, the earl was still very polite: "Madam Empress, I'm going to offend you today."

Wu Yuyu smiled lightly: "His Royal Highness, you are being polite. Since it is a competition, it doesn't matter whether you offend or not. You don't need to take it to heart. Go ahead."

The earl's eyes changed slightly. Since Wu Yuyu said so, there must be means. He is not humble, because he will never forget the person walking on the sea.

His moves are fast and elegant, but his moves are a bit evil, like a vampire, depraved in his nobility.

Aimee Wu didn't move, just stood there, Hua Zhixuan looked anxiously at the side: "Boss, is sister-in-law alright?"

Xie Jifan glanced at Hua Zhixuan: "If you have problems, your sister-in-law will have no problems. Don't worry, your sister-in-law just wants to resolve the battle as quickly as possible."

It is undeniable that Xie Jifan is the only one who knows Aimu Wu the best in this world. When Aimee Wu moved, she moved when the earl's hand reached three centimeters in front of her. Her movement was very slow, so slow that everyone could Seeing her movement, but her movement seemed to be very fast, because she just moved slightly to the left, she avoided the earl's attack, and then she fought back.

(End of this chapter)

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