After the movie

Chapter 1196 Death Is Lucky

Chapter 1196 Death Is Lucky (28 More)
Such a fun way to die, why did the people on the side feel a chill rising from the soles of their feet when they heard it, I'm afraid this fun way to die is really not fun.

Wu Yuyu picked up Meisha and walked out. This is the so-called weak woman without strength, who can lift a man weighing nearly [-] kilograms.

Auntie Wu walked very leisurely, as if she was shopping with a bag, but this bag seemed a bit unique, unknowingly, she was followed by a lot, Shi Lei, the six people, the Earl and other three kings, and others who heard the news The mercenaries who came over followed Wu Yuyu like this.

Auntie Wu's goal was the beach, and when she got to the beach, the count's face changed slightly, he and Qiao looked at each other, and remembered the way Xie Jifan helped her walk on the sea back then.

Auntie Wu went to the beach, and she was already at the edge of the sea. She didn't stop, but walked straight. Everyone was stunned, because they saw Auntie Wu walking on the sea, as if she was on flat ground, and she didn't sink at all. Others The people on the side thought the sea water had changed and wanted to try it, but they stepped on it and the sea water wet their feet.

Only then did they realize that the sea water was only special to Aimee Wu.

Aimee Wu naturally knew that there was a group of people behind her, but so what if she knew it. If the ability of exposure can deter these people, that's fine. Expose? And they don't care about it, not because they are incapable, but because they disdain. More importantly, the existence of supernatural beings must be known to people. There may not be many people, but existence is a deterrent, which can also make ambitious people in the world Guard your own ambitions, and if you dare to disrupt the balance of this world, don't blame them for taking action.

"How do you feel?" Aimee Wu said to Meisha in her hand: "It is also your luck to die here. Your body can be used as food for all creatures in this ocean, including your blood and your soul, so don't worry. I will definitely let you die without a whole body, and there is no whereabouts of the body."

Aimee Wu stretched out her left hand: "My friends, I'm bringing toys, come on, you have fun, and let him taste the joy of death."

Wu Yuyu's every word was quiet, but everyone present heard it very clearly. The hearts of the people present were trembling. At this moment, Wu Yuyu was not a simple empress in their hearts, she was a devil.

Wu Yuyu threw Meisha over casually, and a splash of water suddenly protruded from the sea and dragged Meisha, as if letting him lie on the platform. The waves behind began to come up layer by layer, but these waves did not arrive at all. On the shore, even more surprising people would take a detour when they saw Aimu Wu.

These waves hit Meisha's body one after another, and Meisha only felt that his air was suffocating. The waves hitting him made him feel suffocated, but in an instant he saw the blue sky again. Kind of teased him.

Life is better than death. At this moment, he would rather someone kill him. It may be better, but at this moment he is bound by water, and all the skills he had learned have no effect at this moment, and some are just waves. Persecution, torment by the power of water.

He struggled, but the more he struggled, the more his breathing became weaker, no, he didn't want to die, he wanted to escape, but he felt a force coming out.

(End of this chapter)

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