After the movie

Chapter 1216 His Majesty Returns

Chapter 1216 His Majesty Returns (48 More)
Xie Jifan didn't care where Tong Fei came from, anyway, since he has met him now, it can be considered fate.The most important thing is that Tong Fei is a simple and honest person, otherwise Xie Jifan would not recognize him.

From the time he got to know Aimee Wu, after knowing that Aimee Wu is a member of the Taoist sect, Xie Jifan especially believed in the fate of cause and effect, so for meeting Tong Fei, he naturally regarded it as a fate, because he met Tong Fei by fate, so he knew that he has supernatural powers , In this case, if it is taken out, it means that there is one more earth supernatural being on the earth. In this way, as long as the last two supernatural beings are found, at least the crisis on the earth can be temporarily resolved.

Xie Jifan continued to walk in the moonlight, facing the hills, as if walking on flat ground, he did not feel difficult because of the mountains, and quickly crossed the mountains.

After crossing the mountains, I saw a lake, which was completely black, like ink.

"Tong Fei, I'll go down and have a look." Xie Jifan said to Tong Fei, "You wait here now, I'll call you if I find out."

"Okay, Brother Xie, be careful." Tong Fei reminded.

Xie Jifan nodded, and then walked towards the dark lake. As Xie Jifan walked in, waves began to appear in the calm dark lake, which seemed to be similar to the waves of a normal lake, but really After careful observation, I found that these lakes are actually a bit weird, because these circles of ripples are like symbols drawn by others, and with the moonlight, a faint formation appears.

Xie Jifan's eyes lit up: "Teleportation array." He turned around and said, "Tong Fei, come here, I found it."

Tong Fei hurried over, Xie Jifan and Tong Fei entered this place at the same time, Xie Jifan only felt black in front of his eyes, then dizzy, and then disappeared into this dark space.

Until there was a burst of water waves, he felt a different breath of water, opened his eyes, and found that he was actually at the bottom of a lake, and Tong Fei beside him was also watching all this curiously.

Xie Jifan made a gesture with Tong Fei, pointed upwards, and then the two of them went upstream, only to see that the place where they appeared was a lake, and the shore was not far away. Fortunately, it was night, so there was no People found out, so they reached the shore very quickly, but when they got to the shore, they discovered that the lake was actually in a lonely mountain, and the location of this place was unknown.

"An Ran, what is this place?" Xie Jifan asked.

"Your Majesty, this is Mount Suhu, the place where the Hu people lived in ancient times. You have to go three hundred kilometers north and you will enter Linshan, the suburb of the imperial capital.

Xie Jifan knew where he was, but he was not in a hurry: "Where is Aimee now? Anran, please contact Liujiao."

Auntie Wu is saying goodbye to Lei Ao at the moment, and Lei Ao finally decided to send her back to China by special plane, which is more convenient.

Just as she was about to board the plane, Liu Jiao suddenly said, "Aimee, Jifan is here."

Wu Yuyu was taken aback for a moment: "Liujiao, say it again."

"Aimee, Jifan has come out, the exit is at Mount Suhu, I have already informed Jifan of the situation here through Anran, what are you going to do?" Liujiao asked.

"Jifan, Jifan." Wu Yuyu almost jolted, but fortunately, Lei Ao, who was at the side with sharp eyes, helped her up: "What's the matter, it's fine."

"Jifan has come out." Wu Yuyu grabbed Lei Ao's hand and said, "Jifan found the exit and came out. He is in Huaxia Suhu Mountain. I want to find him immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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