After the movie

Chapter 1245 Start Propaganda

Chapter 1245 Start Propaganda (Fifth Watch)

Xie Jifan said lightly: "There is a saying that it is indecent to come and not to reciprocate. Since someone has sent explosives, I will always send something back."

"But this Fujiwara Yi is now in Huaxia, so it would be bad if something happened?" Feng Chang said.

Xie Jifan glanced at Feng Chang: "I am a civilized person, how could I do such a thing, people are here to invest, we must welcome investors."

"Then how do you return the gift?" Feng Chang really didn't understand.

Xie Jifan looked like you were really hopeless: "You are such a fool, isn't it simple, we have to show our sincerity, besides, our old saying is good, you can run away like a monk I can’t run away from the temple, I am the most sincere in giving things, and I will definitely send them to other people’s homes.”

After hearing this, Feng Chang shuddered. Is this something civilized people do?The emotional Xie Jifan is going to destroy the Fujiwara family.

Xie Jifan doesn't seem to continue this topic anymore. Anyone in the mercenary world can do this kind of task. Anyway, for now, this kind of task is really a small task.Xie Jifan decided to issue another order when he had time.

Seeing that the time was almost up, I tidied up my clothes and walked out with Feng Chang.

When Xie Jifan arrived, Jin Tian and the others had already arrived, Jin Tian saw Xie Jifan smiled and said: "I think today's press conference will definitely ask you a lot of questions."

"You are here to promote, not to gossip." Xie Jifan glanced at Jin Tian lightly: "Don't make me think you are too gossip, although men sometimes gossip, but too much gossip is not a good thing. "

Jin Tian was dumbfounded by what Xie Jifan said.

Xie Jifan pointed to the watch on his hand: "It's almost time, shouldn't I go?"

Jin Tian also checked the time, and it was indeed almost the same time, so although he still had something to say, he didn't say anything in the end and went out with everyone.

There were a lot of reporters at the press conference this time, mainly because Xie Jifan appeared in front of everyone for the first time after more than half a year.

After everyone was done, Jin Tian said into the microphone: "Hi friends from the media, I don't need to say much today, we are holding a reception to promote "The Legend of the Emperor of Daqing". This TV series has a total length of 84 episodes. , is a really large-scale overhead TV series. The dynasty in it is naturally not our ancient dynasty, but the emperor in it implies the status and life of our ancient feudal emperors. The screenwriter of this TV series is Aimee Wu, but everyone knows that Aimee Wu is only born now Mantou Baozi, so if you want to interview her, it may not be possible, but fortunately our protagonist and Baozi Mantou’s father, His Majesty Heidi, are here, and everyone can interview at that time. In addition, please don’t pay attention to us because of the face given by friends from the media. Your Majesty, at least pay attention to the rest of us, after all, we are all handsome men and pretty women, right?"

After Jin Tian finished speaking, the reporters below all laughed.

Jin Tian said: "Alright, let's start asking questions."

A reporter asked: "Jin Dao, is "Legend of the Emperor Daqing" adapted from a certain emperor in our history?"

Jin Tian smiled and said: "I have said that this TV series is superficial. Some places seem to imply some emperors, but in fact, it is more of an allusion to the entire imperial power society. I can't disclose more about the specifics. You can At that time, pay attention to this TV series."

(End of this chapter)

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