After the movie

Chapter 125 New Script

Chapter 125 New Script (Third)

After Aimee Wu's family boarded the train, Ouyang Di said, "Yesterday, the first day of the premiere was 8000 million, and it will be released from today. If there is no accident, this movie may break the [-] million mark."

Auntie Wu smiled and said, "Congratulations, brother Di, is he going to give me a red envelope?"

"Fuck off, don't mention the red envelope to me." Ouyang Di's heart breaks when he thinks of the red envelope.

"Huh?" Wu Yuyu was instantly puzzled.

"Don't pay attention to him, men always have a few days every month." Xie Jifan said lightly from the side.

Ouyang Di knocked his head on the wall of the carriage in an instant: "I want to break up with you."

Xie Jifan took out a script and handed it to Aimee Wu: "Look at this script, are you interested?"

Wu Yuyu pointed at Ouyang Di: "Don't worry about him?"

"No need." Xie Jifan said casually.

Auntie Wu shrugged, she really didn't care, and took over the script to read it.

This is a suspense drama of the Republic of China. It is a TV drama script called "Goddess Detective of the Republic of China". It mainly talks about a woman named Luo Yan who received Western education since childhood, so she opened a private detective agency after returning to China, because she is a woman It was opened, so at the beginning no one cared about it. At that time, the concubine of a local governor lost her most precious necklace. It was not good for the police to come forward for such a thing, so she approached Luo Yan. Luo Yan, through her own efforts, really I found this necklace, and at the same time met Fang Jingsheng, the son of the governor
Fang Jingcheng and Luo Yan didn't know each other, but Fang Jingcheng was involved in a murder case at that time. Through investigation, Luo Yan proved Fang Jingcheng's innocence, and at the same time made Fang Jingcheng fall in love with Luo Yan.

Luo Yan accidentally discovered that there was an international organization that seemed to be targeting her country's national treasure. Through various means, she finally solved the mystery, but she never expected that the final big boss was Fang Jingcheng. In the end, Luo Yan would fight against justice and Make a choice emotionally.

After reading the script, Wu Yuyu asked Xie Jifan: "Which one do you want me to play?"

Xie Jifan laughed: "Fang Jingcheng, do you want to challenge me?"

"I said Jifan, you are dizzy." Ouyang Di stopped making trouble, and some were puzzled: "Then Fang Jingcheng is a man."

"Who told you that a woman can't turn against a man?" Xie Jifan said indifferently: "As an actress, she can only act, and she doesn't need to worry about whether she is acting as a man or a woman?"

"That's good, actually, I really want to try it." Aimee Wu replied seriously.

Xie Jifan nodded: "Then you try to figure out the role first, and when you arrive in Suzhou City, take some time and I will take you to an audition."

Wu Yuyu was taken aback for a moment: "Could it be that the audition for this TV drama is in Suzhou City?"

Xie Jifan nodded slightly: "The director of this TV series is Jin Tian, ​​he has been living in Suzhou City, I am going to visit him after I finish my work this time, you can go with me when the time comes, as for whether you can get When it comes to the role of Fang Jingcheng, it's up to you."

Auntie Wu nodded: "Thank you brother, I will work hard." Then she took the script and went to the side to figure out the role.

Wu Yuyu came to the side, and Ouyang Di asked Xie Jifan softly: "You really decided to let her play Fang Jingcheng, Jin Tian wanted you to go."

Xie Jifan said softly: "It's okay, you have to trust her, and do you think I have time?"

Ouyang Di counted the time, Xie Jifan really didn't have time, he had to go to M to film a movie after the new year, I'm afraid he really didn't have time for a while, besides, the shooting time of TV series was longer than that of movies.

(End of this chapter)

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