After the movie

Chapter 1267: Last resort

Chapter 1267: Last resort (seventh update)

Xie Jifan was silent for a moment, indeed, China is not safe now, even Longyin Villa is not safe, the safest place is Leo's castle, because no one would think that they know the Patriarch of the Gipplist family.

"After Aimee wakes up about this matter, I will discuss it with her. It may be the best way to go to Country M with you." Xie Jifan thought for a while.

Leo nodded: "Then you discuss it, and I will arrange the specific side. Don't worry, my godson and daughter, I will never let them suffer."

Lei Ao's strength is known to the Giplist family and even the entire country of M. Besides, he will secretly bring back the children, and they will live in the old castle under the name Wu Yuyu, so no one would think that he is taking care of the children.

After Wu Yuyu got up, Xie Jifan told her what Lei Ai meant, and Wu Yuyu looked at Lei Ao: "Will this cause you any trouble?"

"If you don't bother me, I will be unhappy instead. We are friends, and friends should help each other." Leo replied seriously: "Besides, I also have a purpose. One of the four children Will become my personal heir, you can't stop it then."

Wu Yuyu smiled lightly: "In the final analysis, my child took advantage of it, so why stop it, you just pick and choose." Then he frowned: "But sending the child away in this way, I'm afraid grandpa and parents won't be able to say."

Xie Jifan said: "At that time, let me tell you that we can find an excuse, say that we are going on a trip, and by the way, we will take our children to travel, and when the time comes, we will make two puppets, one is you and the other is me, so that others will not Know our exact whereabouts."

After hearing this, Wu Yuyu laughed and said, "That's the arrangement. Anyway, you can tell your elders about this matter. I won't participate."

Xie Jifan smiled and nodded, this matter really needs him to explain.

Lei Ao said: "Then it's settled. When the time comes, we will take a special plane to country m. After the arrangements are made, you husband and wife can go about your business. How many people do you plan to bring this time?"

Xie Jifan pondered for a moment: "Aimee and I are enough. The current domestic situation in Huaxia is unclear, and many things can only be watched. If Aimee and I leave, it will be troublesome if something happens here. So, For now, it’s better for the two of us to handle this matter, and Antarctica doesn’t need too many people to go, it’s not necessary, and the task is not difficult, at most it’s just a problem with the environment.”

Wu Yuyu also said: "Besides, it's more convenient for the two of us to go. There won't be any problems. If there are too many people, it may not be good. The most important thing is that I am worried that people will come to divert the tiger away from the mountain. If this is the case, it will be troublesome, so I went to Antarctica. Just the two of us will go."

After hearing this, Lei Ao had to say that Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu were right to worry, after all, now the enemy is dark and we are clear.

"Okay, if this is the case, the child will be handed over to me, you husband and wife should be careful." Leo said seriously.

Both Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu nodded in agreement.

Maybe it was because they knew they were going to be separated from the child, so Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu were very clingy to the child in the following time. Basically, except for eating and sleeping, neither of them would leave the child.

"Baby, don't be angry, Mom and Dad have no choice." Wu Yuyu said.Then he seemed to think of something: "By the way, didn't Jifan get a lot of points in the auction last time, why don't we use these points to buy something that can protect the children."

(End of this chapter)

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