After the movie

Chapter 1270 Little Tuanzi

Chapter 1270 Little Tuanzi (ten more)
"Well, what Xixi said is right, Aimee, your baby is so heaven-defying, it looks good just looking at it." Lingzi looked envious.

Aimee Wu glanced at Lingzi, then at Xixi: "If you like you, you won't give birth by yourself."

Xixi pouted: "I knew you would say that, hey." Xixi gave Aimee Wu a wedding invitation: "I will get married on New Year's Day next year, remember to attend, don't be absent again."

Wu Yuyu took it over and calculated the date. If it goes well, it will definitely be in time, so she said with a smile: "Definitely."

Reiko looked at Xixi curiously: "Why did you suddenly mention that you are going to get married? You won't be pregnant."

Xixi glanced at Lingzi: "No, actually I didn't think so early at first. I originally wanted to wait until next year after graduating from university to get married, but recently the family is in chaos, and my parents think it's better to be happy, so they plan to let me get married in advance." Marriage, it doesn't matter if you get married early or late, and as long as it's Chen, I'm happy to get married tomorrow."

Speaking of the latter, it is a bit crazy and silly.

Aimee Wu laughed when she heard this: "If you are really married naked, I dare say that your parents will be the first ones who don't want to."

"That's right." Reiko nodded and said, "You are the only jewel in the Xi family's account, and your family will not be happy to let you add so casually."

Xixi smiled slightly, only looking at Reiko: "Then Reiko, when do you plan to get married?"

Reiko was silent for a while: "It should be soon, my parents have already accepted Mu Li, but Mu Li said that he wants to have a successful career, but it's only been two years, and we actually discussed the date by ourselves, it should be after graduation. Have a wedding."

"Yeah." Auntie Wu and Xixi both nodded, thinking about when they first met, they had just entered college, and now Auntie Wu has graduated ahead of schedule, and the other two are about to graduate, and they are both about to get married, which shows that the world is impermanent.

Auntie Wu and Lingzi Xixi smiled at each other, and the three of them seemed to remember how they met for the first time, but they are very happy now, at least they haven't changed much.

"Come on, Aimee, take the child to your grandfather's side." Mother Xie came over.

Auntie Wu agreed, and pushed the four children over. Xie Jifan, who was greeting the guests, also came over, but Auntie Wu said, "I'll do it."

Seeing that Xie Jifan, who was supposed to be high on the altar, now seems to be a mortal with flesh and blood, Xixi and Lingzi really cast their eyes on Aimee Wu, did they wink?

Aimee Wu naturally also saw their winks, but she didn't say anything, anyway, she was always aware of Xie Jifan's kindness to her.

"Come and see our little baby." Mr. Xie was very happy at the moment. The four grandchildren were all married, and the granddaughter-in-laws he married were all satisfactory to him. Now each of them has offspring.

Auntie Wu didn't care, since Xie Jifan was there anyway, so she didn't have to worry, instead she went to the side of the baby and said, "Why didn't you bring Xiaobao?"

Xiaobao is Baobao's son, and his nickname is Xiaobao. In Xie Laosi's heart, Baobao is Dabao and son is Xiaobao.

"Bring it, sleep in the back, there is a bodyguard and nanny to take care of it." Baby said.

Because it was the child's full moon, everyone held the full moon wine in Longyin Villa, and no one was invited except for the closest friends of both parties and the comrades-in-arms of the older generation.

(End of this chapter)

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