After the movie

Chapter 1283 Introduction of the Magic Frog

Chapter 1283 Introduction of the Magic Frog

The magic frog began to talk euphemistically about everything he knew: "Your world is full of everything. When you come here, you have to be quiet. Once you are quiet, all kinds of negative thoughts will come out first. As long as you discover and overcome it yourself, you Your state of mind will be sublimated, you are only angry now, this is the feeling of a forgotten world, soon you will have all kinds of irritability, depressed mood, how to pass this kind of time is up to you, if you can't, then You will perish in this world."

The magic frog glanced at them: "But if you overcome these, you will get surprises you didn't expect."

"Are you here to tell us this?" Wu Yuyu asked.

The magic frog nodded: "Yes, I have been here for tens of thousands of years. It is rare for someone to come. Naturally, I will come out to meet you. By the way, I will tell you all the attention points of this place."

"But what you told us was only the origin of this world, and you didn't say what to pay attention to." Aimee Wu looked at the magic frog and said seriously.

The magic frog said "ah", and then said: "I actually forgot to tell you to be careful, well, I will tell you now." The magic frog said hurriedly: "The size of this world depends on the state of mind of a person, but When you break in, there will be surprises here at any time. For example, the fire lotus you just discovered is one of them. You can take away any medicinal materials you find, but you must leave the root seedlings, so as not to dry up in time. During the adventure, you will encounter many delicious beasts and plants. No matter what, you can eat them, but you must eat them clean and not waste them. And the last point, you must reach a place in the east within three months. Palace, here is the map." Said the monster directly threw the map to them.

"I've finished what I have to say, I'm leaving, I wish you good luck." Said the magic frog and walked away.

Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu smiled at each other.

"Let's go too." Xie Jifan said to Wu Yuyu. Maybe the magic frog gave them a lot of information, but there is actually only one piece of real information, which can only be created by themselves here. To adapt to the environment here, if they adapt If not, you will be eliminated.

Others may not know, but Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu's adaptation to the environment, they think they are absolutely superior to anyone else, so they are not worried about being suffocated here.

Originally, the feeling of the forgotten world in their hearts was just an inexplicable feeling, but after listening to the words of the magic frog, they realized it instead.

"That is to say, in fact, our first enemy, that is, our most important enemy, is ourselves." Aimee Wu looked at Xie Jifan.

Xie Jifan nodded in agreement: "I think so too. This sense of horror in our hearts is often the reason that really deters us. Now that we know that our enemy is actually ourselves, then my wife, let's continue."

Aimee Wu nodded: "Here, if you are alone, you will really go crazy." Suddenly her eyes lit up: "Husband, I have inspiration again, the script inspiration."

Xie Jifan was taken aback for a moment, looked at Wu Yuyu, and smiled wryly: "Honey, you don't want to write a script at this time, do you?"

"Why don't you write, don't worry, it will be done in two days at most." Wu Yuyu said while taking out a pen and paper: "You should practice first."

Seeing this, Xie Jifan could only smile speechlessly, who would let his wife be capricious.

(End of this chapter)

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