After the movie

Chapter 1335 Black Belly Couple

Chapter 1335 Black Belly Couple (Fifth Watch)
"Honey, you are too black-bellied." Xie Jifan glanced at Aimi Wu and spoke slowly.

"How can you have a dark belly." Wu Yuyu glared at Xie Jifan disapprovingly.

Xie Jifan lowered his head and smiled, seeing Wu Yuyu's dissatisfied expression, he had no choice but to say: "Okay, I'm darker than you."

"It was originally, besides, didn't you make up this candidate and this plan, so you are the most slanderous." Aimee Wu did not forget to nod when she said this, emphasizing her tone.

It was rare to see Wu Yuyu's childish side, so he laughed.

"Okay, tidy up, we'll be arriving at the venue soon." Xie Jifan said.

The charity gala is not only a gala, there will also be an auction, the auction will be a gala, and the people who participate in the auction are relatively prestigious, Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu are the best actresses and queens, and their backgrounds, Naturally, it is possible to participate in such a charity gala.

Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu were not the first to arrive, and they didn't need to be the first. They came here just to watch a good show.

When Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu arrived, the crowd was already halfway through. Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu were relatively low-key during this period. Even though "Legend of the Emperor Daqing" is constantly being rebroadcasted, for Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu For the time being, they can keep a low profile for a while, after all, it is impossible to keep a low profile when they debut again.

"Hei Di, empress, welcome to come." The person in charge of this charity party heard that Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu had come, and rushed out to greet them.

"Mrs. Cheng, excuse me." Wu Yuyu stepped forward to greet her. This Mrs. Cheng is considered to be a well-known person in the industry. I heard that she used to be in the entertainment industry, but she resolutely quit the entertainment industry when she met her husband. , married the incumbent, but she has been doing charity work after quitting, and she doesn't laugh when she does it.

"Where is there, Mrs. Xie laughed." Mrs. Cheng made a gesture of invitation: "Please, both of you, the charity auction will start soon."

Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu walked in, found their seats and sat down.

As the person in charge, Mrs. Cheng needs to preside over this phase of the charity auction.

"Gentlemen and ladies, everyone is a successful person. We are here to make some contributions to charity. Today we participated in the auction for a total of thirteen items. Although they may not be particularly valuable, they are quite good It is very meaningful. Now we are starting to auction the first item, which is a necklace of Charity President Qian’s wife. This necklace was given by President Qian to his wife when the president and his wife were married for 30 years. The purpose of taking it out once is to make more people pay attention to our charitable cause, and the bidding price starts at [-], and each increase should not be less than [-]." I have to say that Mrs. Cheng's eloquence is quite good.

Wu Yuyu said to Xie Jifan in a low voice: "It seems that Mrs. Cheng is quite capable."

Xie Jifan responded in a low voice: "This is a means, but Mrs. Cheng is pretty good, and the charity funds raised several times have been put to practical use. As for whether there are other ideas, we will ask her if she can target this charity cause." No more questions."

"That's true." Wu Yuyu nodded. Compared with people nowadays who use charity to seek benefits for themselves, Mrs. Cheng is considered better. Although I have to say that she actually has selfishness in it, at least this selfishness will not let People feel sick.

(End of this chapter)

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