After the movie

Chapter 1339 Propaganda endorsement

Chapter 1339 Propaganda Endorsement (Ninth Update)
"If you have money, you can do anything. He opened an entertainment company in Huaxia. The people who deal with him are from Huaxia. He is just a backstage boss. And if I'm not mistaken, his goal is you." Xie Jifan She looked at Aimee Wu worriedly.

Wu Yuyu pointed to her nose: "Me?" Then frowned: "Is he mentally disabled?"

"What are you brainless, what are you talking about?" Xie Jifan cursed with a smile.

"If it's not for the brain damage, then why is it aimed at me." Wu Yuyu said lightly.

Xie Jifan nodded Wu Yuyu's nose: "What are you talking about, because he is not stupid, so the target is you, although I think he is a little too narcissistic."

After listening to Xie Jifan's evaluation of Fujiwara Yi, Wu Yuyu laughed: "Husband, you are so right, he is just narcissistic."

"Okay, but although we are not afraid of him, it is not ruled out that he will attack people around us, so we still have to be careful." Xie Jifan said to Aimee Wu: "There is another thing, the Propaganda Department will tell me I made a phone call and hoped that the two of us would go to a closed shoot to promote the endorsement shoot."

"What's the content?" Aimee Wu asked.

"China's traditional culture, piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, sword, martial arts, tea and wine, these eight items are currently set." Xie Jifan said to Wu Yuyu.

Wu Yuyu thought for a while: "When will it start?"

"The shooting will start on November [-]st, and the shooting time will be [-] days, fully enclosed." Xie Jifan said: "I participated in a filming, the army, so I understand a little bit, fully enclosed is a little bit good, no one disturbs, just I worry about four children."

"Can you take them with you?" Wu Yuyu was also worried.

Xie Jifan thought for a while: "I'll negotiate with them. Anyway, our children are very well-behaved, and there is actually no problem taking them with them."

Wu Yuyu nodded: "I think so too. Besides, if we take the children with us, maybe there will be other effects."

Xie Jifan glanced at Aimee Wu, "What do you mean?"

"Children are also inheritance. The existence and growth of children is the reason for those cultural inheritances. Otherwise, no one will pass them down, and those cultures will be young." Aimee Wu said to Xie Jifan.

Xie Jifan smiled: "It makes sense, okay, I will pass your opinion back."

Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu coaxed the four dumplings to sleep, and then went online to deal with their affairs. Aimee Wu browsed the web and found some comments after the broadcast of "The Legend of the Emperor of Daqing" a few months ago, she read it.

'Wow, it turns out that Emperor Shengxuan has a romantic relationship with Counselor Yu. '

'The upstairs said, think about it, if there is no love, how can this empress act. '

"The last time when the female detective was in the Republic of China, the empress and His Majesty also had such a relationship, so the empress played the role of Fang Jingcheng. Now that she has become the emperor of the Holy Patriarch, I thought that the empress was just rebelling, but unexpectedly, there will be another relationship with Emperor Shengxuan. No feelings, does this mean that the empress will have to intervene in the emotional drama with His Majesty in the future? '

'Your Majesty, that is the main palace, so Emperor Shengxuan will commemorate it for the rest of his life. '

'When I saw the death of Counselor Yu, I immediately wanted to send a blade to the screenwriter, how could we abuse our empress and Your Majesty like this. '

Weakly remind the upstairs that the screenwriter is also a mother. '


There were a lot of similar comments, and Wu Yuyu couldn't help laughing. It seems that the ratings of the TV series "Emperor Shengzu" are very good. It's a pity that I and Xie Jifan were not there at the time, otherwise I would have heard the first-hand news.

(End of this chapter)

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