After the movie

Chapter 1341 The 6-point chapter is here

Chapter 1341 Hexagon is back (one more)
Regarding the matter of being shortlisted for awards, Aimee Wu didn't bother to understand, nor did she have the time to understand, because Liujiao and An Ran woke up.

Seeing Liujiao and Anran again, Wu Yuyu was a little surprised. At this moment, Liujiao has lost the jerkyness of the past, and now he looks more like a normal human being, while Anran is a lady.

"Aimee, Your Majesty, we are back." There was a trace of smile on Liujiao's mature face. Xie Jifan wearing a smile on his face, I don't know if it is an illusion, but the six-cornered smile is very similar to Xie Jifan.

Xie Jifan also discovered what Wu Yuyu had discovered. Xie Jifan pondered for a while, but didn't say much, just said: "You guys have been away for a long time."

"Because we have to reshape the body, it took a little longer." Liujiao explained: "Now we can act independently."

"Independence?" Xie Jifan glanced suspiciously at Liujiao: "I don't know what it means?"

"Acting independently means that we are no longer controlled by the system, and we are no longer the stewards of the system elves." Liu Jiao's eyes revealed a hint of pride.

"Then I don't know how to address you?" Xie Jifan asked.

"You can call us system supervisors. From now on, we will be responsible for the supervision of this system. If there is something unreasonable, it can be reported to the higher level, and then we can propose amendments." Liujiao replied seriously.

Xie Jifan nodded: "Then what's the benefit to us?"

Liu Jiao looked at Xie Jifan: "In this way, you can ask the system in the future, and as long as we think it is acceptable, we can supervise the system to help you complete it."

"It's no good." Xie Jifan shook his head: "We need your consent. For us, the system does not belong to us independently." Xie Jifan looked at Liujiao: "We don't need such supervision. If we can't use the system with full authority, I will Think we might abandon this system, don't you, Aimee."

Aimee Wu nodded: "That's right, I think so too."

Liu Jiao didn't expect Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu to say such a thing, he was a little stunned for a while, and then said after a while: "Actually, I will help you manage and supervise, which is no different from your own management and supervision."

Xie Jifan said: "If you want to drink a bottle of water, should you choose the right one yourself, or should you tell other people and let them agree to choose the right one?"

Liu Jiao was taken aback, as a former system elf and now a system supervisor, he naturally understood the meaning of Xie Jifan's words: "Then what do you want to do?"

Xie Jifan chuckled: "You shouldn't be asking us how to do it, but what you are going to do, to be precise, how you and An Ran are going to do it. When you asked for the black energy ore, you didn't explain everything today. Of course It's also because we didn't ask clearly, now that the black energy ore is given to you, we don't care about it, but it's best to tell us clearly what your plan is, you know, Liujiao, I've never been a good talker , I don’t like to plot people, but I don’t allow others to plot me.”

When Xie Jifan said the last thing, his tone was unprecedentedly tough, and the coercion directly pressed on Liujiao and Anran, a trace of indescribable unnaturalness appeared on Liujiao's face.

(End of this chapter)

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