After the movie

Chapter 1364 Invitation

Chapter 1364 Invitation (third update)

Xie Jifan is always worried that Aimee Wu's health is not good, so the food she eats is very careful, but in fact, a lot of what Aimee Wu eats comes from the sky space, who makes there be more food in it.

Xie Jifan smiled and said: "It's okay, he ate the meat just to taste it was more delicious, nothing else has any effect."

Wu Yuyu nodded.

Xie Jifan glanced at Aimu Wu: "Gu Qinghuan invited us to his birthday party, saying it's a small birthday, please invite us in advance."

"When?" Wu Yuyu asked after a little thought.

"It said it was the day before Christmas." Xie Jifan said.

Auntie Wu glanced at Xie Jifan: "The invitation was sent out so early for Xiao's birthday, he really is..." There are not many words to say after that.

Xie Jifan understood, just nodded and said: "It's kind of interesting, just treat it as someone asking for a gift."

Xie Jifan thought for a while, and then nodded: "Okay, just treat it as someone asking me for a gift, but you have to prepare this gift, anyway, you said, don't let me talk to other men for more than half an hour, naturally I will not be allowed to give gifts to other men."

"Daughter-in-law, you really know me too well." Xie Jifan sighed, "That's right, that's it, so I will prepare this gift."

Auntie Wu didn't care anymore, since Xie Jifan said he would prepare the gift, then she didn't need to worry too much about it.

Wu Yuyu and Xie Jifan took advantage of these two days of free time, and went out to relax together except in the evening to show that they were still there. They were in the sky space at other times. They learned about refining weapons and alchemy. The ability to improve is very fast.

On the day of filming, Ma Xuan asked a special car to pick them up, and they were going to the National Garden.

It is now October, and the National Garden is said to not be able to open the national flower, but because the national flower is the flower of a country, so I specially invited someone to help cultivate it, so there will be national flowers blooming all year round, but the area is divided. And Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu are going to the west part of the National Garden. After this piece of national flower is deliberately cultivated, it will bloom between October and November.

"It's so beautiful." As soon as she entered the garden, Wu Yuyu had to sigh with emotion. The national flower here is really beautiful. The big flower seems to show its nobility. .

Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu pushed their children to look at these national flowers, and nodded slightly: "It's really beautiful, last time my mother planted a tree, which bloomed in April, and I felt that the flower's momentum was unusual. "

"Flowers have such an aura, and their aura is the same as people's luck. This national flower has an aura accumulated over thousands of years. It has not weakened its aura when it was relegated by the empress of the ancient Tang Dynasty. It can be seen that its arrogance, which has been accumulated for thousands of years, is naturally It's not ordinary." Aimee Wu knew the result just by looking at the flower.

Not only Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu felt sorry for this flower, but other staff also felt sorry for this flower.

"Ahhh." The four little tuanzi even looked at it and yelled ahhh.

Xie Jifan ordered four small dumplings: "I like these flowers anyway, but unfortunately I can't pick them. These flowers grow well in the soil. You can't bully others."

The four small groups seemed to be able to understand Xie Jifan's words, but unexpectedly said "ah, ah" twice.

"Looking at your children, I feel that other people's children are scum." Seeing this, Ma Xuan smiled and said, "That's a little too smart."

(End of this chapter)

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