After the movie

Chapter 1415 Delicate Empress

Chapter 1415 Delicate Empress (Fifth Watch)

"Where are you taking us?" Seeing that the plane was already on the taxiway, Fujiwara Yi asked.

Auntie Wu raised her eyebrows slightly, she was indeed a native of R country, she seemed to be a bit gentle on weekdays, but at this time, she would have a rush of R country feeling, probably because she thought she was superior to others.

Aimee Wu tilted her head and looked outside. This place looked quite deserted. It should be an airport where planes were in a trance, and there were many trees around. Aimee Wu looked around and nodded slightly. Not bad, at least the environmental protection issues here are still acceptable.

"As a hostage, as long as you are quiet, there will be no danger, but if you want to resist, don't blame our ruthless subordinates. You also know that although we are robbers, we are also Chinese people, so there is something wrong with country r. Natural hatred, you don't want us to pass the hatred on to you." Lin Sen said directly.

Fujiwara Yi frowned slightly, and glanced at Lin Sen, as if wanting to confirm what he said, and then sighed, after all, he was the head of the family, and some people's eyes and demeanor already understood the truth of what the other party said.

Fujiwara Yi glanced at Aimu Wu who was very leisurely at the side, and saw that Aimi Wu picked a wild flower from time to time, and occasionally saw a few wild plums. Aimi Wu picked it casually and put it in her mouth, then frowned: "It's so sour."

Lin Sen at the side looked at the forehead, and he was the first hostage to be as chic as Wu Yuyu: "This kind of wild plum is not delicious."

Wu Yanyu pouted and said, "The bread on the plane is not good, and I haven't eaten fruit for a long time today."

That's right, hurry up and get rich. Lin Sen shook his head slightly and remained silent, while the others took the other hostages down.

There is a big warehouse here, and they put all the people into the warehouse. The warehouse is full of dust, and it seems that no one has been here for a long time.

Seeing this, Wu Yuyu said to Lin Sen: "Is there a rag, I plan to clean the place where I rest."

Lin Sen glanced at Aimu Wu, then shook his head slightly: "No, why don't I ask someone to get you some disposable tablecloths on the plane." Lin Sen said.

Auntie Wu nodded hurriedly, this place is very dusty, although Auntie Wu is not obsessed with cleanliness, she is not happy to see such a dusty place.

Lin Sen asked someone from the side to get some tablecloths and blankets, and Wu Yuyu took one, and some people came to get them, and then cleaned it up, including the place where he was going to rest.

Aimee Wu yawned, and grabbed a blanket to the side: "I'm tired, go to bed."

"You seem to have been sleeping on the plane." Fujiwara Yi said.

Wu Yuyu said lightly: "I am a hostage. As the most qualified hostage, don't make trouble if you have nothing to do. Sleeping is the best." After speaking, she went to sleep in the corner she had cleaned.

Seeing Aimee Wu like this, the others also found a corner to rest. They did not forget that they were hostages. Since they are hostages, they should have the consciousness of being hostages.

With her eyes closed, Wu Yugu used her spiritual sense to send Xie Jifan the place she walked.

After receiving it, Xie Jifan said, "How are you doing now?"

"I'm just hungry. I ate some bread on the plane. Some dry food will be distributed here later, but I think it's really not for people to eat." Aimee Wu replied very delicately.

(End of this chapter)

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