After the movie

Chapter 1467 Xuan Qi

Chapter 1467 Xuan Qi (seventh update)
Lei Ao was stunned, and looked at Xie Jifan: "The supernatural power happened last time, I know that the right brain controls these things, but I didn't expect that even this kind of contract is involved."

"So the right brain of human beings is the most mysterious. The more the right brain can be developed, the more abilities you will naturally have. It's just that the current technology can't develop the right brain at all." Xie Jifan stood up: "I'll give you You should practice some fire-type exercises first, but there is no place for you to practice now, it is too hidden here, you should practice after you go back." He said and threw a piece of jade slip to Lei Ao: "Use yours directly. The spiritual sea is also the so-called spiritual consciousness to feel the content inside."

Leo nodded, and put the jade slip on his forehead, the jade was simplified into a beam of light in an instant, and entered Leo's body, Leo could clearly see the exercises inside.

"Okay, our time is almost up, you should go back and rest quickly." He took Leo to sit down on the side seat, and then removed the original isolation weapon, then Xie Jifan stood up, Leo He also stood up, then said goodbye and left.

The surveillance people in the dark only saw Xie Jifan and Lei Ao talking for a long time, and then sent him away, nothing else happened, so they saw Xie Jifan and Lei Ao lying down to rest respectively, The monitors also began to rest.

There was nothing to say all night, and Xuan Ye appeared again the next day, followed by a boy: "Four, this is for my younger brother, named Xuan Qi, and he will be with you for the rest of the time. The family still has some things to do, so I won’t accompany you for the time being, everyone is going to take pictures, as long as my brother is with you.”

"Okay, then trouble Mr. Xuan." Leo said.

Xuan Qi smiled slightly: "No trouble, you don't need to call me Mr. Xuan, just call me Xuan Qi."

Xie Jifan and others were naturally not polite.

Xuan Ye saw that they had a good chat, so he didn't bother, but took his leave and left.

After Xuan Ye left, Xuan Qi asked: "What are the four plans for today?"

Xie Jifan said: "We went out yesterday and saw many unique buildings, so today we want to take some photos of these buildings."

"Of course." Xuan Qi smiled. In fact, this day's guard city does not prevent outsiders from coming, but the chance of outsiders coming is very small, because this place is too hidden, but if there are friends in the city, they can still find it here. , so as long as it doesn't destroy the tranquility here, basically taking pictures or something will not be blocked.

The four of Xie Jifan went back to the room to get the camera, and then followed Xuan Qi out.

Although they had a purpose, the buildings here still have a lot of heart value. Louis pointed to a tower standing in the clouds in the distance: "This tower is not bad." He took a photo while talking.

Xuan Qi said: "This is the Tianhu Tower. I don't know how many years it has been. It is the tower of the Tianhu City, but there has never been a tower gate."

"Would the tower not have a gate?" Louis asked curiously.

"Really not, if you don't believe me, go and see for yourself." Xuan Qi smiled. In fact, the people who live in Tianmo City don't understand why there is this tower. Someone once wanted to remove this tower, but they couldn't get close to it. This tower, and no matter what method can be used to get rid of this tower, so I rested my mind later.

The four of Xie Jifan walked around the tower, but there really wasn't any door.

"This tower is really weird." Xie Jifan laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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