After the movie

Chapter 1473 I want to marry you

Chapter 1473 I want to marry you to marry (three more)

Xie Jifan nodded, and then said: "It's good to come back, take a rest today, maybe there will be something to do tomorrow." After saying this, Xuan Qi's heart was shocked. Tomorrow you will be married to the Ghost Forest family. Thinking of Xie Jifan's purpose, he was speechless. He was afraid that the marriage would be difficult tomorrow. Although he had never seen Xie Jifan make a move, he felt that Xie Jifan was definitely not easy.

Of course Xie Jifan is not simple, so the idea of ​​making a big fuss over Tianhu has already been decided.

The marriage of any two of the four Tianhu families will be held in Tianhu Central Plaza. In order to inform the entire Tianhu City, the marriage between Reiko and Lin Rendong must also be here.

Reiko was dressed in ordinary clothes, without bridal makeup. She looked at the four elders indifferently, but just took out a book and read it, showing no sign of preparation at all.

"You are not clean enough to change your wedding dress," said the elder.

"If I want to marry you, I won't remarry as a married woman. That would be bigamy." Reiko sneered.

"Who said you were married." The second elder said angrily, "Who did you marry, and what evidence do you have to say that you are married?"

"I have already registered with Muli outside, so he and I are legally married." Lingzi said lightly.

"In Tianhu City, outside laws cannot control it. Here, the strong are respected. If he is really capable of marrying you, he should show up now." The third elder said.

"He wanted to show up, and he did show up. It was you guys who joined forces with Lin Rendong to drug him, and sent twenty masters to hunt him down. If you have the skills, why don't you one-on-one? Ah, now tell me that the strong are respected, Are you qualified to mention the strong, if the strong are like you, I will blush for the so-called strong." Reiko retorted directly.

"You, bold, unfilial, aren't we doing this for your own good?" The third elder said, "We don't recognize your marriage, so hurry up and change your clothes, and I'll send you to the central square later."

"I've already said that if I want to marry you, I don't know how to change clothes. My only husband is Li Muli." Lingzi was very stubborn.

"Gui Ling, don't you think about your parents?" the Great Elder finally spoke.

"You don't think about me anymore, why should I think about other people, Great Elder, I have seen your real brazenness today." Lingzi said directly.

Lingzi's words made the Great Elder furious. He pointed at Lingzi's acupuncture points and said, "Someone come over to change her clothes. She doesn't want to. Can't we escort her there?"

Lingzi couldn't speak, and could only watch bitterly. After the elders went out, two women soon came and changed the wedding dress for Lingzi.

Reiko sneered, they thought they could force her to marry by changing the wedding dress, and they didn't even think about it, since she resisted, she didn't plan to live, marrying Lin Rendong, they dreamed.Since the elders forced her like this, don't blame her for being ruthless.

She was carried into the car, and then arrived at the central square. At this moment, Lin Rendong and the Lin family were already there, and the host of ceremonies chose the Wu family.

"The bride is here." The master of ceremonies didn't know the details, but he saw the bride's car coming, so he said with a smile.

At this moment, Lingzi was taken out of the car, and the acupuncture points were naturally released. Otherwise, with such a stiff appearance, others would know that she was forced, and I'm afraid it will cause other troubles.

But even though Reiko got out of the car, she didn't move a single step, she just stood there indifferently, as if the matter in front of her had nothing to do with her at all.

(End of this chapter)

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