After the movie

Chapter 1577 Funny than a couple

Chapter 1577
This time Xie Jifan did not come with Wu Yuyu because he also had his own affairs, mainly because Tianhu's Xuanlin family was also born, so in order to prevent accidents, Xie Jifan wanted to supervise the settlement.

"Well, it's time for the show." Aimee Wu replied, "You don't even know, I just found out now that Director Messi is really crazy. I was rushing to play, but he was even more enthusiastic than me."

"Honey, you're saying it the other way around. It's normal for a director to be keen on catching plays, but it's abnormal for you to be keen on catching up with plays." Xie Jifan laughed after hearing this.

Wu Yuyu was taken aback for a moment, as if, every time she rushed to play, she urged herself, and her heart moved: "You don't mean to tell me that the reason for going to play now is because I liked to play in the past? So, wouldn't I be throwing a stone at myself? own feet?"

The corner of Xie Jifan's mouth curled up, holding back a smile: "You're right, it's all because of you throwing stones at your own feet."

"I'll go, I figured it out, and sure enough, it's not good to be responsible at the workbench." Aimee Wu said with emotion.

Xie Jifan couldn't bear it anymore, he laughed: "Honey, you are so funny."

"I know you're holding back a smile in your heart. By the way, how are the little ones? I miss them a lot." Wu Yuyu said.

"Very good, all of them are strong. When I went to see some old men today, they were so funny that they couldn't bear to let go. I doubted it. With our serious personalities like you, how could these four be born? Come on." Xie Jifan seemed a little helpless and complained to his wife.

Aimee Wu is not happy anymore, her son with dysentery is her own good, not to mention her little ones are all so cute: "Who says they are funny, you are the one." Wu Yuyu retorted: "Don't talk about me Babies are funny."

Xie Jifan was stunned for a moment, and then he was speechless. The funny character of his feelings came from his own wife. Fortunately, Wu Yuyu didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would definitely say: "You are funny, and your whole family is funny." Of course, she would absolutely ignore that she was actually a member of his whole family.

"Yes, I'm not good, I won't say anything." My wife was angry. As a close husband, I naturally apologized: "Wife, are you in good health? Does such a powerful filming have a big impact on you?"

Wu Yuyu said: "It's okay, our child is still very powerful, protecting me, if I didn't already know that I have such a child in my stomach, I couldn't believe that I was pregnant, don't worry, I'm fine."

"That's good. It's better to be outside than at home. You still have to be careful." Xie Jifan continued: "In addition, Leo got the hour from country r, saying that Fujiwara seems to be making a decision, and sent a Many people, be careful, I always feel that he is going to target you."

"It's hard for him to target me like that." Aimee Wu said casually, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

On this point, Xie Jifan absolutely believed in his wife's ability. If the Jindan old monster was hurt by a few mortals casually, it would really humiliate his identity as a cultivator.

"Well, then you should be careful, and when I have settled everything here, I will bring the children to find you." Xie Jifan laughed.

"Don't, the scene in the desert is over for at most three days. Next, we may go to the grassland, and then to the North Pole. The round trip time will not be less than the filming time. It's not good to make the children tired, so don't coming."

(End of this chapter)

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