After the movie

Chapter 1590: One Mysterious Mission

Chapter 1590 A Mystery (Ten Updates)

No one knew, but she actually used this gesture to collect the aura of Aurora into her arms.

Aimee Wu closed her eyes and seemed to be enjoying it. At that time, she performed absolutely in her true colors, and the whole person seemed to be bathed in the aurora. It was so beautiful. Messi only regarded it as filming. Such a scene was reluctant to stop until the aurora disappeared. Then he put down his arm, and then patted the leopard on the head: "Let's go, I believe the front is more exciting." After speaking, he took the leopard and left.

"Card." Messi laughed happily: "Aimee, you are definitely an angel. After this movie is broadcast, everyone will be surprised. Let's go, everyone have a good rest today. Tomorrow, we will wrap up, and then treat everyone to eat." Finale feast."

"Director, what is there to eat here." The other staff members laughed, "But whether there is or not, it would be nice if the director could spend money."

Emotion is the purpose.Everyone laughed and left.Naturally, Aimee Wu also left.

After Aimee Wu left, a person came out not far away. It was Osvaldo. He naturally recognized Aimee Wu. After seeing her performance just now, he raised his eyebrows: "So she is an actress. Kikovsky, You go to help and find out which crew this is. And who is that actress?"

Kikovsky agreed and went.

Soon there was an extra copy of Aimee Wu's information in front of Osvaldo: "The Queen of China's National Film Festival is currently developing in country m. The director of this movie is Messi. It's a bit interesting. It seems that Aimee Wu has a secret that no one else can think of." .”

"Sir, do you want me to steal from this woman?" Kikovsky asked.

"If you want to die, go." A person who can create such a mysterious spell out of thin air, how can it be a simple person, if Kikovsky messes with it, there will be no return.

Kikovsky was taken aback for a moment. He had always believed in Osvaldo's judgment, so he had no intention of going after hearing this.

Osvaldo began to ponder, and kept speculating in his mind who this Aimee Wu was. Aimee Wu seemed to be an ordinary actor, but how could a person with such abilities be an ordinary actor? Since he is not an ordinary person, there are ordinary people The information proves that there are people behind her protecting her.

According to the information, she is married, so is the person who protects him her husband?
Osvaldo kept speculating, but he didn't come to any conclusions.

"Sir, country r wants to contact you and wants a batch of new arms." Kikovsky said to Osvaldo after receiving a call.

"Who is from country r?"

"They are members of the Teng Li family and the Fujiwara family. I also heard that the head of the Fujiwara family, Fujiwara Yi, has also come to the North Pole. In addition, the Teng Li family seems to be planning to see you in person because of Fujiwara Yi's decision." Kikovsky answered seriously.

Osvaldo nodded to show that he understood: "You can collect the information of these two families and give it to me, and I will reply after reading it."

"Yes." Kikovsky hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Is Keith back?" Osvaldo asked.

"Not yet, it should be soon." Kikovsky replied seriously.

Osvaldo said: "I'm going to take a rest and let Keith come to see me immediately when he comes back."

"Yes." Kikovsky immediately agreed seriously, and Osvaldo went back to the hotel where he was staying to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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