After the movie

Chapter 16 The Legend of the Black Emperor

Chapter 16 The Legend of the Black Emperor ([-]rd watch)

"Aimee, you are really behind." Xixi knew that Aimee Wu was not a fan of Xie Jifan when she saw Aimee Wu like this: "Don't you follow stars?"

"Don't chase." Auntie Wu said directly: "Generally, I only admire myself." After speaking, even she smiled because of her thick skin.

The next day was Sunday, and the four of them went out on time. The theater was three stops away from Imperial University, and when they arrived, it happened to be time to check the tickets.

Lingzi picked up the tickets, while Xixi bought two big barrels of popcorn and four cups of Coke with Wu Yuyu.

The four of them walked into the movie theater, and after a while, they found that the theater was full of seats, even the first row was full of people. Aimee Wu couldn't help admiring Xie Jifan's popularity.

"Don't admire, one day you can too." Liu Jiao came out to comfort.

Aimee Wu smiled lightly and said, "Of course I know that I can do it in the future, but I still admire this Xie Jifan very much, it seems that he is really powerful."

Before the movie started, Aimee Wu casually took out her mobile phone and clicked on Weibo. She didn't know what kind of psychology she was in, but she searched for Xie Jifan's name.

As a celebrity, Xie Jifan naturally has his own Weibo account, and Aimee Wu discovered that Xie Jifan has more than 7000 million fans. What a huge number this is.

"When you have such a high popularity in the future, you will be able to enter the advanced stage." Liu Jiao sighed.

Wu Yuyu said helplessly: "Don't dream now, step by step, we will always reach that level."

After a while, the movie started.

Wu Yuyu muted the phone, and then began to watch the movie attentively.

"Captain of the Soldier" is actually an army movie. In the film, Xie Jifan plays Wang Yang, who is a very good soldier. He brings his own special forces into the international barracks for training. At the beginning, the special forces from various countries looked down on Wang Yang and the others. Wang Yang took his comrades through training again and again, and finally cracked a terrorist incident, became a special legend of that period, and was awarded the honorary title of Captain of the Soldier.

The whole movie has a strong sense of rhythm and a strong atmosphere in the military camp. It can be said that it is a military camp film that promotes orthodox culture, and Xie Jifan is worthy of the title of best actor. He played Wang Yang to life, especially when watching At the moment when his comrades were besieged by terrorists and he cleverly used the surrounding environment to fight back, it really made people feel the difficulty of the soldiers and the strong friendship.

Coming out of the theater, Aimee Wu was deeply moved: "Xie Jifan really deserves to be an actor."

"That's natural. Hei Di doesn't just call out casually, and his acting skills are absolutely top-notch." Xixi was still gnawing on the few popcorns left.

"Hei Di?" Aimee Wu tilted her head and looked at Xixi.

Xixi took a sip and kowtowed: "Don't you know, Aimee, our male god Xie Jifan has a title called Black Emperor, which he got after he won the International Silver Bear Award for Best Actor in the film "Black Emperor" , because the Heidi in it was so impressive, so everyone called him Heidi afterwards."

"Hei Di? It's indeed very imposing." Wu Yuyu gave a compliment after hearing this.

"That is, if he doesn't have the momentum, can he win the award?" Xixi looked proud.

Wu Yuyu glanced at Xixi: "Darling, Xie Jifan is not from your family, is there any need to be so proud?"

"Darling, you don't know now. The Black Emperor belongs to our entire Huaxia Kingdom. As a citizen of Huaxia, we have to honor him, understand?" Xixi looked like a child who couldn't be taught.

(End of this chapter)

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