After the movie

Chapter 1608 Waiting For Someone

Chapter 1608 Waiting For Someone (Eighth)

To make a suitable hole and let the fish jump out is the strategy that Aimee Wu got along with. In reality, fingers have lengths, and this person's human nature naturally has black and white sides. As long as the black and white sides don't harm ordinary people, Aimee Wu will not do anything to them.

However, some people still have to deal with it, such as the witch clan, but how to get rid of this witch clan.

Wu Yuyu returned to the residence, scanned everything here with mental strength, then looked and thought for a while, and then seemed to think of something, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, and then lay down to sleep.

Feeling the stomach, everything is fine, but there is a little life inside, although I know he is very strong, but we still need to take care of it, so rest is still needed.

After waking up and having breakfast, Shen Muxue came over: "What are you going to do today?"

"Go to Aurora." Auntie Wu smiled and said, "Let's wait for someone."

Shen Muxue raised her eyebrows and didn't understand what Wu Yuyu meant, but since Wu Yuyu said so, she must have a reason, so she went to Aurora with her.

It was still the morning private room, and Aimee Wu and Shen Muxue still ordered the Jade Fairy, and then Aimee Wu slowly tasted it, but didn't say much.

Shen Muxue said: "By the way, Messi called yesterday, "A Thousand Purples and Reds" is about to start promotion, and "A World of One Man" is an unaired film applying for next year's Scar Awards review."

"It should be that there is no time to broadcast it." Wu Yuyu pointed out the main points very sharply. Now in the post-editing process, after waiting, there is still publicity, and now "A Thousand Purples and Reds" has only started to be promoted, so the works of the same director are continuously broadcast. The new work will have a great impact on the output of works in the coming year, so "One Man's World" will definitely not be broadcast this year, and the Skars Awards will be in January of the next year, so naturally I can't wait for the next year to be broadcast. This is not TV, so You can only apply for movies that haven't aired yet.

Shen Muxue giggled and said, "Anyway, no matter what the reason is, it's good if I can apply for the Scar Award."

"How are the publicity arrangements for "A Thousand Purples and Reds" arranged?" Wu Yuyu asked.

Shen Muxue said: "Because Messi is a gold medal director, we only need to promote his works through the world live broadcast. The specific time has not yet been determined, anyway, it is next month, and it will not affect your baby by then. "

Auntie Wu nodded, four months, it's okay, no one can tell, so it's fine: "Okay, it's okay next month, just let me know when the time is confirmed."

Shen Muxue opened the window beside her: "By the way, who are you waiting for?"

"Waiting for someone who deserves to be waited for." Aimee Wu smiled, and glanced at Shen Muxue: "I think you should be able to guess."

"Osvaldo?" Shen Muxue guessed, "Why are you waiting for him?" Shen Muxue was a little puzzled.

Wu Yuyu smiled: "Because he will definitely come to me and ask me for help."

"Huh?" Shen Muxue looked at Aimu Wu in confusion.

Aimee Wu did not explain much: "Just wait and see, you will know soon." After finishing speaking, Aimee Wu took another sip of Jade Fairy: "Besides, I invite you to drink Jade Fairy, so you just have to enjoy it. .”

Shen Muxue rolled her eyes speechlessly: "I think it's really hard to talk to people with high IQ like you."

(End of this chapter)

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