After the movie

Chapter 1627 Osvaldo's Distress

Chapter 1627 Osvaldo's Distress (Seventh)
Although Wu Yuyu rejected him with righteous words, the self-respecting character of the people of R country has long created his extreme thoughts. He thinks it is because Wu Yuyu has not gotten along well with him. After getting along with him, he will naturally understand what he is like. It is also natural that Xie Jifan will be forgotten, after all Xie Jifan is just an actor to the outside world, but he is the head of the former Fujiwara family.

Xie Jifan doesn't know about this kind of arrogant thought, if he knows, Xie Jifan slaps him away, making you daydream.

"Head, Teng Li San Lang and Fujiwara Yi both want to see you, and confirm the transaction with you in person," Keith said.

"Didn't Kikovsky do this? Why do you still want to see me?" Osvaldo was feeling distressed at the moment. Three thousand and five hundred sets. There are a thousand sets in it for free, it hurts to think about it, but the agreement has already been signed, even if it hurts, you can't let people know, of course, if someone comes up to abuse him, this is the right moment for him to vent, so this time I heard Teng Li Sanjiro and Fujiwara Yi wanted to see him, and Osvaldo asked curiously, thinking in his heart, if we don't see each other, of course the price should be higher. And Wu Yugu's anger is vented on Teng Li Sanlang and Fujiwara Yi.

"Didn't Kikovsky raise the price by [-]% last time? They didn't think they could accept it, so they probably want to see you." Keith directly conveyed the information he knew to Osvaldo.

"Okay, you can ask them to come over, I'll see you, since [-]% can't accept it, then [-]%." Not everyone has the ability like Xie Jifan, this Fujiwara Yi and Teng Li Sanlang It can only be regarded as what they deserve when they hit their hands.

It's a pity that Osvaldo didn't know Fujiwara Yi's thoughts, otherwise, maybe Osvaldo could lower the price a little in order to embarrass Xie Jifan. Unfortunately, I don't know, so he missed the opportunity to embarrass Xie Jifan in vain.

Keith quickly arranged for Fujiwara Yi and Teng Li Sanlang to come over.

For Keith, the seller's information will not be disclosed, but both Fujiwara Yi and Teng Li Sanlang know that the other party's purpose is to buy arms, so in order to show that they will not be slaughtered, neither of them will let the other come first , so this time I came to see Osvaldo together.

"Hello, Mr. Osvaldo." Fujiwara Yi and Teng Li stepped forward to shake hands three times.

Osvaldo's superficial politeness will still be given. After shaking hands with them, he pointed to the sofa beside him: "Sit down and talk."

Both Fujiwara Yi and Teng Li Sanlang sat down, and Osvaldo looked at Fujiwara Yi and Teng Li Sanlang.

These are two people with completely different styles. Fujiwara Yi is very humble on the surface. Of course, if the trace of contemplation in his eyes can be removed, the affinity may increase. Teng Li Sanlang is a short middle-aged man, Looking at his gloomy face, he thinks that every day is also a calculated life.

It is born from the heart, although Osvaldo is not a physicist, but after looking at Fujiwara Yi and Teng Li Sansangrou, he knows their personalities.

"Is there anything important you two want to see me this time?" Osvaldo asked knowingly, this is a means of negotiation, he will not hand over the sovereignty to Fujiwara Yi and Teng Li Sanlang.

(End of this chapter)

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