After the movie

Chapter 1634 Xuanwu 1

Chapter 1634 Xuanwu 1 (four more)
Xie Jifan originally didn't want Wu Yuyu to go down, but he also knew that if he didn't agree, Wu Yuyu would also not agree with him to go down. Fortunately, both of them are Jindan Patriarchs, so it's no problem to go down. There are defensive weapons, and by the way, I also took a few preventive medicines, so nothing will happen if I go down properly.

Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu got into the pool, because of the defensive weapons, they didn't feel anything after going down, but the more they walked, the more surprised they were, the pool seemed to have no bottom.

It's not easy to talk underwater, but it doesn't hinder spiritual conversation.

"This place doesn't seem to have a bottom, it seems like you can go down forever." Wu Yuyu said.

Xie Jifan nodded: "I found out too." He took out a luminous pearl to illuminate everything in the water.

It took about 5 minutes to get down, and finally reached the ground. After the two stood still, they searched everything around them, but there was nothing below, no fish or aquatic plants.

"Strange." Aimee Wu felt very strange.

Xie Jifan also felt strange, began to move slowly, and then checked everything here, they checked for a long time, and finally found a very strange place, this is a vacancy, this vacancy is not big, Wu Yuyu always feels that this vacancy Where have you seen the size.

She tilted her head and thought, but couldn't remember: "I always feel like I've seen this vacancy somewhere before."

Xie Jifan also had this feeling: "Don't tell me, I also have this feeling, I thought it was because I was thinking badly, but unexpectedly I really had an impression, it seems that we should have seen this thing together.

"Did we watch it together?" Auntie Wu and Xie Jifan glanced at each other, and then flashed into the sky space. Usually, the things they found would be thrown into this space.

Auntie Wu started looking for the same thing, Xie Jifan didn't stop, and started looking too. The husband and wife searched around, and finally their eyes stopped on a white stone, which was the stone with power.

Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu were stunned at each other, Xie Jifan picked up the stone: "It seems to be this thing."

That's right, the familiar hollow model was similar to this stone, the two of them left the space, and Xie Jifan put the stone in the hollow.

Just put it in, only felt a strong suction, Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu entered a strange space before they figured out what was going on.

There is no water here, but it is still very cold. There is only a stone bed. There is a very large egg on the bed. This egg is white. Occasionally, the breath of life comes from it, indicating that the egg is alive.

"Spiritual pet?" Wu Yuyu said, "What do you mean by spiritual pet?"

"I don't know, I thought it would be good if it was a basalt egg." Xie Jifan said casually.

After saying this, Aimin Wu and Xie Jifan were startled, only to see two figures appearing, they turned out to be Liu Jiao and An Ran.

It's just that they don't have their bodies at this moment, and Aimee Wu didn't destroy their bodies when they locked them in the sky space, so they can't use their bodies anymore. Liujiao and An Ran don't know what happened, no Consciously walking towards the egg, the egg instantly emitted two rays of light, inhaling Liujiao and An Ran, and then only heard a "click", and the egg cracked open.

As the egg cracked, an unstoppable white light rushed to the sky. When the light spread, the eggshell split in two, and a strange thing appeared in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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