After the movie

Chapter 1644 Rise

Chapter 1644 Rise (fourth update)
Long Tian understood that all the things that happened here in the relationship were caused by Xie Jifan. Although he didn't know how he made it, but being able to do such a thing proved that he would not be in danger, and he did so It is a good thing for Huaxia to know the direction of the whole world through country r.

Long Tian has long understood that as China becomes stronger and stronger, there will inevitably be some wars in the future, maybe not wars on the surface, but in the economic field or other fields, they will collide with all countries in the world. If this opportunity is used, we can understand The dynamics of the world, so for Huaxia, it is definitely good for the future.

"You will not be in danger, right?" It is one thing to know that they will not be in danger, but what should be asked is still to be asked.

"Don't worry, we won't be in danger." Xie Jifan said: "Aimee and I are watching the good show here in style, don't worry about other things, just get along on the surface."

"Okay, I understand." Long Tian readily agreed, and then hung up the phone.

Qiao Lien looked at Longtian: "They are in country r."

Long Tian nodded: "They were responsible for this matter, so we just need to get by on the surface."

Qiao Li'en is an old politician, so he didn't understand the meaning of Long Tian's words, so he smiled and said: "I understand, just recently, Lao Shen from Xinhua News Agency came to me some time ago, and asked me to send some better and more exciting ones. Task, he wants to bring two newcomers, this is an opportunity."

"That's right, then you should deal with this matter." Long Tian said with a smile: "It is always necessary to let people know that our Huaxia's news talents have also risen."

The implication is that what should be said and what should be done should be said and done. It seems radical, but it must not be underestimated.

"That's what it means." After Qiao Lien finished speaking, he left and went back to his office, and then went to the contact person.

China's side is relaxed, but country m's side is heavy. The president of country m has also heard about the nine great beasts of country r: "Exclude Agent 007 immediately, and must investigate the truth of this matter. If there are really beasts, I always feel that There will be a big event, if not, then the person who can create this beast must not be underestimated, and it is very likely that country r has a different intention and wants to threaten us through this."

"Although country r is close to our country, its geographical location is relatively close to China. I suspect that they want to intimidate China through such nine great beasts." The Secretary of State of country m said.

"Country r is an idiot. Now China is rising very fast. Even we don't dare to collide with him casually. As far as country r is concerned, if we want to threaten China in this way, don't they know that China has more legends about beasts? " said the vice president of country m.

"Now we don't worry about these things. Agents must be sent. In addition, you can see who Huaxia sends. If you shoot secret agents, it means that Huaxia attaches great importance to this matter. If you only shoot news media, then it can only prove that this is country r. We are making a fuss, and we will put pressure on them when the time comes, we can't be bullied by just anyone." The president of country m said domineeringly.

"You're right. I'll handle this matter." The Secretary of State hurried out.

The same thing happened in all countries in the world, and every day the agents and journalists sent by various countries kept rushing over, country r felt that it was in dire straits.

(End of this chapter)

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