After the movie

Chapter 165 Kicking Shuttlecock

Chapter 165 Kicking the Shuttlecock (Part [-])
At the director's order, Aimee Wu and the other three kicked up with the shuttlecock in a calm manner.

"Who do you think will win among the three?" Mengmeng asked the other two spectators.

"Does this need to be said? Naturally, it is my teammate." Gu Qinghuan said directly.

"No, Gu Nanshen, I can just say it directly, I don't think my teammates will win." Mengmeng glanced at Ye Yongji's kick and said.

It is true that Ye Yongji seemed to be normal at first, but after kicking five times, the shuttlecock is not easy to figure out. Look at this time, the distance between the shuttlecock and his feet seems to be getting farther and farther. Well, after all, he still failed to catch it. .

Aimee Wu and Disa were the only ones left at the scene.

Unexpectedly, Disa’s shuttlecock kicking is really as he said, it’s really good. Wu Yuyu’s shuttlecock kicking is because of various trainings in the system. There are only unexpected things in the system, and there is nothing that can’t be trained, and these are all from the initial low-level training. Arranged, the low-level training is full of strange things, and Wu Yuyu must meet the system requirements to pass, otherwise he will be trained all the time.So kicking shuttlecock is very simple for Aimee Wu.

Disa and Wu Yuyu kicked the shuttlecock equally, Ye Yongji simply went to the other three people who were watching the battle, but whoever asked someone to come over with a stool and a plate of torreya by the way, while peeling the torreya Watch shuttlecock kicking.

Aimee Wu glanced at the corner of her eyes, raised her eyebrows, kicked the shuttlecock hard, and then caught the shuttlecock with her hand: "By the way, how about you four?"

"Why don't you kick anymore?" Mengmeng asked instead.

Wu Yuyu said directly: "I suddenly found out that I was fooled. Think about it, we can't see the characters in this envelope. In the end, we didn't have to draw lots. In fact, the choice depends on our own luck, so after thinking about it, I think There's no need to work hard, let Sister Ma and the others take care of it first, right, Brother Gu."

Gu Qinghuan nodded after listening: "It makes sense, we can't let the director grab us like this."

"That's right." Aimee Wu actually answered seriously.

"You can't wrong me, this is arranged by the program group." The director appeared out of nowhere.

The six people present all looked at the director with contempt, and this kind of excuse would come out.

Seeing this, the director hurriedly said, "Okay, since that's the case, Disa Marina's group is Shuttlecock No.1, so choose the envelope first."

Marina went over and opened an envelope with the word 'farmer' written on it.

The director said again: "The second team is Gu Qinghuan and Aimee Wu, which one of you will choose."

Wu Yuyu didn't go, but said to Gu Qinghuan: "I'm the one kicking the shuttlecock, Gu Ge should be the one who chooses the envelope."

Gu Qinghuan smiled gracefully, and in the past, she also took one casually, and opened the 'beggar'

"Congratulations." Marina was still upset about her farmer, but when she saw Gu Qinghuan got it, she instantly felt blood return.

Mengmeng went to take the last envelope, which contained 'rich man'

Mengmeng waved the paper: "It's better if we don't choose."

"Cut~" Marina looked scornful.

The director came out again: "Okay, everyone has got the roles of their respective teams. It's actually very simple. We don't set the background of the era, as long as your roles can be accepted by others, the requirements are like this. The rich man requires that It is someone else who invites you to eat and pays you voluntarily, the farmer asks that the peasants who work with you do not see the difference between you, the beggar asks that you must receive alms from at least five people."

(End of this chapter)

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