After the movie

Chapter 1674 "Wan Zihong" Propaganda Recording 2

Chapter 1674 "A Thousand Purples and Reds" Propaganda Recording 2 (four more)
"I didn't expect Aimi Wu to be a screenwriter. It's incredible." Mei Shan looked at Aimi Wu, and the camera also focused on Aimi Wu: "How does Aimi Wu feel about taking the lead this time?"

"I'm so excited." Aimee Wu smiled and said, "Actually, I never thought that Director Messi would make our Chinese content film, so when Director Messi first told me, although I agreed, I didn't hold out hope. Everyone We all know that the cultural differences between the East and the West, and the differences in customs are relatively large. I know that Director Messi likes Chinese culture very much, but Director Messi is a Westerner, so I was really worried when I first started. , I was afraid that this movie would be ruined, but I felt relieved afterwards."

"Why, is it because you participated in the screenwriting?" Mei Shan asked.

Aimee Wu laughed: "Where did I participate in the screenwriting, I just participated in the modification, and every episode I saw some parts that did not conform to Chinese customs. This is just because I am familiar with Chinese customs. I didn't modify the script of the movie, if it is said that I modified the script, Miss Meishan, Miss Doyle will ask you to settle the score."

Doyle is the screenwriter who wrote this script. In the world, the status of screenwriters is very high, so Aimee Wu said so.

Mei Shan laughed again, and looked at Doyle beside her: "Mr. Doyle, are you not angry about Aimee Wu's participation in the screenwriting?"

Doyle waved his hand: "Don't be angry, although I like Chinese culture as much as Messi, I am really not familiar with Chinese customs, so if I insist on going my own way, I must follow what I wrote. This script is neither fish nor fowl. Thank you, Aimee Wu, for helping me perfect the script in the later stage."

Aimee Wu hurriedly waved her hands aside: "You're welcome, anyway, I've taken a lot of everyone's attention, right, director."

Messi said on the side: "Well, I have taken a lot of light, but I still have to admit your acting skills, and your script is very good."

"Please tell me that in Aimee Wu's movie, a heroine is played from youth to old age, isn't that true?" Mei Shan said.

"Yes." Wu Yuyu nodded.

"Then in this film, who does Aimee Wu think has the deepest influence on the heroine?" Mei Shan asked.

Wu Yuyu said with a smile: "The Elizabeth played by Eva has the deepest influence. In this movie, the heroine herself inherits the traditional Chinese culture. In the environment at that time, if there were no help from others, she would not be able to survive at all. So Elizabeth as Girlfriends are very important. The other one is the male protagonist. The male protagonist is also a master of embroidery. The female protagonist can have such good embroidery skills, but he has been taught by many male protagonists. The male protagonist even thinks that the female protagonist’s talent lies with him On paper, that's why I made the final choice, trading my own life for the chance of the heroine, mother and child to survive."

"Speaking of the male lead, I know that this time the male lead is played by your husband, Mr. Xie Jifan, right?" Mei Shan said.

Wu Yuyu nodded with a smile: "Yes, it was played by my husband."

Mei Shan looked at Xie Jifan: "Why did Mr. Xie think of taking this role? I heard that although this is the male lead, there are not many roles in it. It's not as good as the male supporting role. At least the male supporting role seems to be appearing all the time."

Xie Jifan laughed: "It can't be helped, I don't want my wife to be called husband and wife by others, so although the role in the show is a little less, the sovereignty is still mine."

(End of this chapter)

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