After the movie

Chapter 1687 Broken Parents

Chapter 1687
"What master?" Ding's mother was taken aback, only to see the man behind him, dressed in casual clothes, but the whole person looked particularly noble and elegant. When he turned his eyes, there was a pressure of not being angry but powerful, which made Ding Mother didn't dare to look directly at her, she didn't know why, seeing this situation, Ding's mother felt very uncomfortable, she just said: "Children, what are you doing to ask for a teacher, don't make trouble, go home by yourself."

Ding Nan looked at Ding's mother: "Mom, I know, since my father died, no, even if my father is not dead, you don't like me. You think I am young, but in fact, I knew from a very young age that you don't like me. It’s just that I couldn’t speak at the time, but it’s good that my father likes me. My father is dead. You hate me and say it’s Ke’s father. If I don’t speak, it doesn’t mean I don’t understand. You are married to an uncle and have a younger brother. Treat me as a stranger. Now I have finally found my master and wife who loves me, and you say I am making a fuss, Mom, I have never done anything wrong to you, why do you always dislike me. "

Ding Nan's immature words were full of strong questioning, which made Ding's mother stunned. She never thought that her son would force her to ask herself such a question. She looked at Ding Nan, turned her face away for a long time, and then looked at him. Xie Jifan: "He is a monster, do you really want to accept him as an apprentice?"

Xie Jifan glanced at Ding's mother: "The apprentice I have always admired is the best, Miao Chunhua, I don't want to hear you say that my apprentice is a monster. After Ding Ying's death, you have always treated Ding Ying as a monster. Nan's negligence, according to our country's minor protection law, can sue you, but considering that Ding Nan was born by you after all, so I come to make a break with you, Tong Fei."

Tong Fei nodded, took out a document from the briefcase on the side and handed it to Xie Jifan, Xie Jifan flipped through it casually, found a check, and gave it to Mother Ding together: "This is a copy of the document. After signing the guardian's voluntary letter to relinquish guardianship, Ding Nan has nothing to do with you, and this check is also given to you, which can be regarded as buying off your support for him over the years."

Ding's mother looked at the check, which was in the amount of [-]. She looked at Ding Nan, then at the check, then at the husband and children beside her, and smiled. That's right, his family only had this man and him. Ding Nan was never the child she thought, and her child would definitely not be a monster, so she signed it very coolly.

Xie Jifan only had a bright look in his eyes at Ding's mother's straightforwardness, and then said: "I will transfer Ding Nan's household registration, and he has nothing to do with you from now on. Even if you meet, you will no longer be his mother. His legal guardian will be me." After speaking, he said to Ding Nan: "Is there anything else you want to say?"

Ding Nan looked at Xie Jifan, then at his mother in front of him, walked up to him, knelt down, and kowtowed three times: "Mom, this is the last time I call you, from now on you can be happy, I will will never appear in front of you again."

After speaking, he stood up and said to Xie Jifan: "Master, I can go."

Xie Jifan nodded, took Ding Nan's hand, and took Tong Fei away. From entering to leaving, it took only 10 minutes. There is such a cruel mother.

Ding's mother didn't think so. Being able to get rid of Ding Nan was the happiest thing for her. Until 30 years later, when her son was arrested for gambling, she was desperate and wanted to commit suicide and came to the beach.

(End of this chapter)

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