After the movie

Chapter 1690 Believers

Chapter 1690 Believers (ten more)
A group of people walked and talked, and unknowingly found the bottom of the sea, the merman bead in Wu Yuyu's hand was like a night pearl, and it was shining here at this moment. This light not only illuminated the road in front of it, but also vaguely pointed to a place.

Aimee Wu and Xie Jifan followed the light guided by their followers and walked over.

Maybe it's because of the evil dragon. There are no creatures on the bottom of the sea, and it's very gloomy, but there are also many interesting things on the bottom of the sea, such as corals. Wu Yuyu didn't let her porcelain or antiques go unnoticed. Since she came to the bottom of the sea, she took it away when she saw it. It's good to take it back and give it to others.

The things that come out of the bottom of the sea are no better than those stolen from the ancient tombs. Nowadays, the antiques that come out of the soil are called new goods. The things obtained are different. At present, there is no clear law on the things obtained in the ocean, so Aimee Wu simply became a submarine tomb robber.

Of course, there are indeed many good treasures in the seabed, but they are not so easy to be obtained by humans, but Wu Yuyu is different, she is the emperor of the water, so in the sea, it is equal to in her country, it is too easy to get the things on the seabed Well, Aimee Wu thought about it, anyway, I don't know how far I have to go, so I might as well just pick and miss all the way.

They left in no hurry, as if they were traveling, but Ding Nan was curious: "Master, just now the sharks came to ask for help, why didn't you rush to save them?"

Wu Yuyu smiled and remained silent, while Xie Jifan said: "Xiao Nan, you have to remember that this time someone begged us, and we didn't take the initiative to save them. Besides, this seabed is your teacher's wife's world. Even if the evil dragon wants to do evil, it needs your teacher's wife's consent, now that your teacher's wife is here, it doesn't dare to move, and there is a reason for us not to rush to the mermaid."

Xie Jifan patiently taught his apprentices: "The mermaids are good at illusion, which shows that the mermaids are very proficient in lying. Although they are asking for help, no one knows whether the matter is true or not. Moreover, the mermaids have survived for so many years. Absolutely. It’s impossible to have no ability at all, they can confuse that evil dragon with a single illusion, so we are not in a hurry.”

Ding Nan understood: "Master means that the mermaids have a purpose in asking for help."

Xie Jifan nodded and stroked Ding Nan's hair: "That's right, besides, it's a rare trip to the bottom of the sea, don't you want to have fun?"

"Think." Ding Nan has experienced such exciting adventures in his life, underwater adventures, and he didn't need an oxygen tank. He walked down directly. He looked at Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu with admiration in his eyes. This is his master and wife , they are amazing.

Seeing the innocent and adoring eyes, Wu Yuyu smiled, and touched Ding Nan's head by the way: "You will be so good in the future, so don't envy Master and Mistress."

"Yeah." Ding Nan nodded directly: "I will definitely study hard and learn all the skills of Master and Mistress."

Xie Jifan laughed: "Everyone's physique is different. Master doesn't know how far you can go. But since you have become my apprentice, don't worry, my teacher will teach you well."

(End of this chapter)

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