After the movie

Chapter 174 Ouyang Di Was Bullied

Chapter 174 Ouyang Di Was Bullied (Part [-])
After finishing these things, Ouyang Di took Wu Yuyu to eat. They chose a western restaurant. Wu Yuyu looked at Ouyang Di and said after ordering: "To be honest, I don't particularly like western food."

"Why do you have the same tune as Xie Jifan." Ouyang Di returned the menu to the waiter: "I brought him here for dinner once, and he said the same thing."

Aimee Wu glanced at Ouyang Di with disgust: "You are really a proponent of capitalist thought. We can eat several Chinese meals for one meal in this kind of place."

"Uh." Ouyang Di paused: "You object to feelings because it's expensive here."

"Yes." Wu Yuyu nodded: "Look, just a little beef is so expensive."

"It's steak." Ouyang Di corrected.

"Okay, it's steak, but isn't steak just eating a little meat on it, so is there a problem with beef?" Wu Yuyu retorted and asked.

"No." Ouyang Di really couldn't refute Aimu Wu's words after thinking about it.

Wu Yuyu nodded: "That's right, look, just a little meat, and then a little goose offal, it costs several hundred yuan a piece, which is really expensive."

"It's foie gras."

"You are so stupid, isn't the foie gras just a part of the goose viscera?" Wu Yuyu looked at Ouyang Di with a hopeless look.

Ouyang Di felt that he should scratch the wall aside, and took advantage of Aimi Wu's inattention, and sent a message to Xie Jifan: "Aimi bullied me."

Soon Xie Jifan replied with a message: "Well, I don't mind being bullied twice more."

Ouyang Di almost called, what do you mean he won't mind.

Wu Yuyu didn't know about this, and continued: "Look, it's just such a little thing, and you can't enjoy yourself after eating it, and it turns out to be expensive. I really don't know what's the point of your treat."

Ouyang Di couldn't laugh or cry: "Aimee, what we eat is culture."

"Is there no culture in Chinese food?" Wu Yuyu glanced at Ouyang Di: "I know that there are so many catering cultures in our country that not just anyone can understand." He sighed again: "Forget it, your kind The quasi-banana crowd will not understand the legendary nature of Chinese cuisine."

"Aimee, what is a quasi-rubber character?" Ouyang Di asked curiously.

Aimee Wu said lightly: "Bananas are yellow on the outside and white on the inside. Banana characters are people who worship foreigners, but you are still a patriot. You just like Western things in certain habits, so you can only be classified as quasi-banana characters."

Ouyang Di felt that eating this meal would reduce his life by 20 years, and he really had nothing to say to Aimee Wu. grace.

Ouyang Di looked at Wu Yuyu's appearance: "Didn't you say that I am a quasi-banana person? What about your familiar knife and fork skills?"

Wu Yuyu said that you are so stupid: "A Chinese saying goes: Know yourself and know the enemy, and you can win a hundred battles. Now that many Westerners come to China to steal China's technology, I naturally want to understand the other party's culture. I don't understand this. I really don't know your name. How do brokers do it."

Ouyang Di was speechless again and silently sent a message: "Why is it always me who gets hurt?"

Soon the message replied: "It's written on your face that you deserve a beating."

Ouyang Di felt that it was a mistake for him to have dinner with Wu Yuyu, and it was his mistake to send text messages to Xie Jifan.

Ouyang Di finished his meal in such an aggrieved mood, and it was still early after the meal, so he ordered a pot of tea, and he calmed down after watching Wu Yuyu stop talking about himself.

(End of this chapter)

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