After the movie

Chapter 190 Character Decision

Chapter 190 Character Decision (Part [-])
Shen Muxue laughed and said: "Then you should read the script quickly, and if you decide to tell me, I will notify Ouyang." Originally, she wanted to tell her about Xie Jifan's coming to see her, but in the end she didn't.

So Wu Yuyu naturally didn't know that Xie Jifan was coming.

Aimee Wu took the character script and began to study the characters in the script.

The seven fairies in the script all have their origins.

The eldest lady Fang Qin comes from a famous family, with a poetic spirit, noble but with a trace of tradition. After marrying the male protagonist Ouyang Fei, she took care of her husband and raised her children in the early stage, and died of spontaneous combustion in the later stage in order to maintain the family business.

The second wife, Luo Xiaoyan, is Ouyang Fei's childhood sweetheart, advocating freedom and peace. After marrying the male protagonist, she even takes home western things from time to time, which causes certain conflicts in the family. He blocked the gun and died.

The third wife, Jin Jing, was originally a performer in the Jianghu. She has martial arts, a flamboyant personality, and thorns all over her body. Finally, she embarked on the road of revolution.

The fourth lady, Feng Xuehua, is an actress with a slick face. She speaks nonsense when she sees people, and talks nonsense when she sees ghosts. In the end, in order to protect the sixth lady who left with the only heir of the Ouyang family and the secret tea recipe, she splashed blood on the Ronghua Hall.

The fifth wife Shi Man, a spy of the northern warlord, married Ouyang Fei in order to steal the secret tea recipe of Ouyang's family, and was poisoned by Fang Qin in the end.

Sixth Lady Lotus, the lady's accompanying girl, has a softer personality. She has always been headed by the eldest lady, and then she took the eldest lady's children and the Ouyang family's secret recipe and left the Ouyang family to live in seclusion until the war was over. She was the only one among the seven fairies who survived. people.

The seventh wife, Qi Nianhua, a member of the new revolutionary party, originally came to accept the money from Ouyang Fei, but was injured, so she had to wait for the opportunity to leave under the cover of marrying Ouyang Fei.

After reading the introductions of these seven people, Aimee Wu, based on their personalities, is actually more challenging for an actor. An actor has many facets and could have lived, but instead of protecting her husband's only heir, she splashed blood on Ronghuatang in front of the enemy. The change of personality is very challenging, and she has an idea in an instant.

"Sister Shen, I plan to play the fourth wife, Feng Xuehua." Wu Yuyu said to Shen Muxue.

Shen Muxue took a look at Aimee Wu's character script and nodded, "Among the seven, the most stable ones are Da Furen and He Hua, and the most difficult one is Feng Xuefei. You must challenge this, even though the character in the script Let's chat a few words about the character introduction, but it can be seen that Feng Xuefei's character is very indeterminate."

"It's because I don't have a qualifier that I want to challenge. Sister Shen also knows that I will be filming the male lead in May. Now I am filming a person who dares to love and hate. This is actually a bit similar to the second lady, so there is no need to repeat it. As you said, Da Furen and Hehua are more stable, Jin Jing, Shi Man and Qi Nianhua can actually be similar, only Feng Xuehua stands out." Aimee Wu said seriously.

Shen Muxue nodded: "Okay, I'll go and tell Ouyang." Shen Muxue was still very satisfied with Aimee Wu's gaze, at least she dared to challenge, this is the most basic requirement for an actor.

After Ouyang Di received Aimu Wu's reply, Aimee Wu was not in charge of how to communicate with Aimee Ying. What Aimee Wu has to do now is to film the current scene well. At the same time, the shortlist for the domestic Golden Lily Award came out.

Aimee Wu was nominated for Best Newcomer Award and Best Supporting Actress Award.

This has again hit the big media networks.

(End of this chapter)

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