After the movie

Chapter 1920 Humanoid Polygonum Polygoni Multiflori

Chapter 1920 Humanoid Polygonum Polygoni Multiflori (ten more)

"Look?" Someone pointed to the surroundings, and saw countless small animals coming over. Animals can only survive by instinct, and now they are all rushing here because of the vitality here.

And at this time, a red shadow came towards this side quickly. The red shadow was not big, but it flew very fast. It looked a bit human, but not human. It seemed to feel something, and it rushed towards Aimee Wu Coming over, the vigilant Xie Jifan stretched out his hand and caught the pounced shadow. It turned out to be a human-shaped root, exuding a faint medicinal fragrance.

"It really is a human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum." Wu Yuyu grabbed it from Xie Jifan's hand with a smile, and then said to Xie Jifan: "That person should be chasing him soon."

Xie Jifan nodded: "There is me."

Auntie Wu didn't care about it, she just looked at the Polygonum multiflorum, tapped its stomach, it actually struggled a bit, and Aimin Wu intentionally exuded a natural air from her index finger, the Polygonum multiflorum saw it, and directly bit it down.

Wu Yuyu was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't understand what was going on, only to find that there was an extra contract formation between her and it's soles.

"Plants can also contract?" Wu Yuyu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the Polygonum multiflorum in her hand with a wry smile: "You little thing, you can pick people."

Polygonum multiflorum waved a few leaves on its head in embarrassment, as if it was a little shy.

Wu Yuyu said: "Is the person who arrested you here?"

Polygonum multiflorum nodded, and then extended her little finger to point in the direction.Wu Yuyu said to Gu Tianyu who was on the side: "It is said to be behind." Then she raised her eyebrows and said: "It's better for you to hide in secret, it's better to have someone take the initiative to come out."

Feelings, she is going to be the bait.

"No, it's too dangerous." Xie Jifan looked at Aimi Wu with dissatisfaction.

Wu Yuyu smiled at him comfortingly: "Don't worry, I won't be in danger, isn't it because you are by my side?" Then she said: "I just let the suzerain and the others hide in the dark for a while, so that there are too many people. How would you like to show up?"

Xie Jifan was relieved to hear that she didn't intend to let him leave: "Okay, then please find a place to hide first."

Gu Tianyu pulled Gu Chenfeng to hide aside, and Leng Xinmei hid with those disciples, but Wu Yuyu and Xie Jifan stood, and Wu Yuyu poked the human-shaped Polygonum multiflorum from time to time: "Since you recognize me as the master, I will It’s not good for you, oh, but, from now on, you have to listen to me, or I’ll take one bite at you.”

The two big leaves of Polygonum multiflorum wrapped her around herself again, as if she was in fear, Wu Yuyu laughed when she saw it: "Last time I saw Feng Er's Xiaoyu was quite cute, now I look at Xiao He is the cutest. "

"Xiao He? What name did you give this Polygonum multiflorum?" Xie Jifan asked a little, it was really simple, directly to Xiao He, but thinking about it, Wu Yuyu's name for the leader is very simple, for example, Bai Ze is directly called Bai Ze, It is worthy of not being called Xiaobai. For example, Zhan Xiong is called Zhan directly, let alone a few other mythical beasts. Now it is really normal for Polygonum multiflorum to be called Xiaohe.

"Is it not good?" Aimee Wu asked back.

"No, it's pretty good." Xie Jifan would never say that Aimi Wu was named after her.

"Give me Polygonum multiflorum, it's mine." A man in a black robe appeared, wearing a mask, and Aimee Wu never expected to meet someone from the Yin Yang sect here.

(End of this chapter)

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