After the movie

Chapter 1969 You Are a 'Rival in Love'

Chapter 1969 You Are a 'Rival in Love' (Ninth Update)

Even if someone is in a hurry, it is someone else's business and has nothing to do with them, so they are not in a hurry, and Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu both know that they don't need to be in a hurry, they just need to do their own things well.

Having nothing to say all night, when he woke up the next day, Gu Chenfeng first went to collect the food materials that he sent to the disciples in charge the day before, perhaps because of the influence of Xie Jifan and Aimee Wu, these disciples all like to eat barbecue, while Eating barbecue while drinking is their favorite thing to do.Therefore, most of what Gu Chenfeng asked people to buy were some auxiliary vegetables, and also bought some spirit beast meat. Of course, these purchases were not enough for everyone to eat, but everyone came along, and each of them saved a lot of prey , so taking out some barbecue is enough.

Everyone gathered around the yard, watching the monsters grilling, and some were roasting vegetables to eat.

Just happy, Jun Qianhuan, Li Qianze and Han Qianlin are here.

"It's better to come early than to come by coincidence. Are your noses too sharp?" Jue'er teased.

Li Qianze said with a grin: "I told you yesterday that we are going to have lunch, so we naturally have to step on it." After speaking, he took a deep breath: "It smells so good, when can we eat it?"

"Come on, another quarter of an hour." Dongfang Ying, who was in charge of the barbecue, said.

A quarter of an hour later, the roasting of the spirit pigs was almost finished, so everyone got more or less some spirit pork, and Wu Yuyu took out wine for everyone to drink.

Li Qianze took a sip and raised his eyebrows: "This is not plum blossom wine." Plum blossom wine has a clear fragrance of plum blossoms, but this jar of wine has this quiet fragrance of bamboo leaves, but it is equally delicious.

"This is Zhuyeqing. I brew it from bamboo leaves that grow every year. The alcohol is a bit stronger than plum blossom wine, but the taste is still quite light and has a lot of stamina. If you are not good at drinking, drink less. " Wu Yuyu said.

"It's delicious." Han Qianlin's eyes became brighter as he drank it, his mouth was full of bamboo fragrance, and a burst of hot air entered his stomach, as if driving away the cold air around him, giving him a heart-warming feeling: "Good drink, like."

"Qianlin means that the wine is delicious, and he likes it very much." Li Qianze acted as an interpreter for Han Qianlin: "Qianlin is relatively introverted and not good at expressing, so his speech is relatively short."

Xie Jifan nodded: "I understand why he likes to be friends with you."

"That's because young master, I'm handsome and unrestrained, everyone loves me, and flowers bloom when I see flowers." Li Qianze smiled triumphantly.

Xie Jifan suppressed a smile and shook his head: "No, it's because you are better at talking. I think Mr. Han is not good at talking, and he is a very good listener, so he was happy when you said it, so he became friends with you." To put it simply, you are more noisy. Of course, Xie Jifan will not say the last sentence, but whoever is present can naturally hear the meaning of these words, so they unconsciously laughed muffled stand up.

Li Qianze opened his mouth wide and looked at Xie Jifan: "Elder Xie, I didn't offend you."

Xie Jifan shook his head: "I didn't offend you, but there are still some truths that need to be told." The implication was that he was telling the truth.

"Haha." All the people on the side laughed, and chose to ignore Li Qianze's resentful eyes.

"Elder Wu, your elder Xie bullied me." Li Qianze complained to Wu Yuyu.

Aimee Wu glanced at Li Qianze: "Haven't you heard that beating means scolding is love? So if he bullies you, it means that you are probably his true love. If you are his true love, you are my rival in love. As a rival in love, you and It's useless for me to sue."

(End of this chapter)

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