After the movie

Chapter 2010 Drunken Dream Chapter

Chapter 2010 Drunken Dreams of Wine and Fruit (Ten More)

"No, how could there be any confusion." The Yin-Yang Sect Patriarch forced a laugh, and replied embarrassingly.

Ouyang Mingyue glanced at the suzerain of the Yinyang sect, and then said: "Sect master, let me tell you what your purpose is here." Ouyang Mingyue naturally wanted to ask the suzerain of the Yinyang sect to come to her Mingyue Hall at midnight.

"No, it's just that I came out to enjoy the moon." The Yin Yang Sect master had a good skin, and he really had nothing to say.

"Well, the suzerain of the Yinyang sect really has good eyesight, and it is more suitable to appreciate the moonlight above the Mingyue Palace." Xie Jifan said slowly: "It's just that this kind of moon appreciation is easy to be misunderstood. I don't know the suzerain of the Yinyang sect You may have heard of the idiom that the guest usurps the host."

"I think it's the master of the Yin Yang Sect who came to my Mingyue Hall with ulterior motives." Ouyang Mingyue said lightly, and took a sip of tea slowly.

The master of the Yin Yang sect laughed: "You two are overthinking, I'm just passing by."

"From admiring the moon to passing by, the suzerain is really busy." Xie Jifan picked up the fruit at the side, took a bite, and then said to Ouyang Mingyue: "By the way, this fruit tastes good. My wife likes it. Remember when we left Time to give us a few hundred catties."

"No." Ouyang Mingyue said directly: "When you go out to eat, you just take it, and there is nothing else."

"Of course I came here to eat or take. Who told you to be the master of Misty Palace? I'm just a nobody." After Xie Jifan finished eating, he casually threw the fruit pits into the fruit pit tray beside him.

When the fruit core was put into the plate, it instantly turned into a puff of smoke. Before the Yin-Yang Sect master could figure out what happened, he just felt dizzy for a while, and then fell down.

"The core of this wine fruit is really powerful." Xie Jifan said with a light smile.

It turned out that what Xie Jifan ate was a fruit from the devil world, called Jiuguo, hence the name Siyi, which meant that he would get drunk after eating, and the taste of this fruit was good for ordinary wine drinkers, and he ate a lot of it. Yes, it also has the function of purifying the aura in one's body, but this wine fruit has a disadvantage, that is its fruit core, as long as the fruit core touches wood, it will turn into the strongest drug in the three worlds, Drunk Dream Back Well, because the master of the Yin Yang sect didn't know Jiu Guo, he fell into this big trick, and now he's lying down.

"You come to search for the soul." Xie Jifan said lightly, implying that he came to protect the Dharma.

Ouyang Mingyue nodded, and began to search for the soul. The soul search was very fast, but within a quarter of an hour, she already knew what was in the head of the Yin Yang Sect Master. After Ouyang Mingyue quit, she nodded slightly to Xie Jifan, and then went to the side to adjust her breath.

And Xie Jifan took out a elixir and gave it to the Yin Yang Sect Master, and then put his hand on his head, removing the traces of his memory being searched.

Xie Jifan's technique is very clever, unless he is above the level of Jin Luo Daxian, otherwise there will be no traces of this soul search, and for the insurance period, Xie Jifan even gave the Yin Yang sect suzerain a forget soul Dan, so the suzerain of the Yin Yang sect would not have any doubts at all.

When the sky was bright, Ouyang Mingyue finished adjusting her breath, and then made another pot of tea for Xie Jifan and herself to drink in a leisurely manner.

The master of the Yin Yang sect shook his head, got up, and saw two people drinking tea not far away: "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with me?"

Xie Jifan picked up a fruit casually: "It was my negligence, I just threw the core away after eating the fruit, the core will turn into a kind of intoxicating drug by itself when it meets the wooden plate, in the end you passed out drunk, but just sleep It'll be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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