After the movie

Chapter 2012 Final Rules

Chapter 2012 Final Rules (Part [-])
"Yes." Gu Luo took it, put it away, and then solemnly agreed.

Soon the top three teams formed, and the top three were Xuanzong, Misty Palace and Jianzong. Fortunately, the top three sects were relatively open and upright. They are all aboveboard, but it is not ruled out that there will be accidents inside, so Aimee Wu still wants everyone to be careful.

Wu Guangying appeared: "Hi everyone, today is the team finals. The team finals lasts for seven days. During these seven days, we will put the top three teams into a primitive Warcraft forest area. The entrances are three different directions. One, it will be decided by lottery at that time. After the lottery, a map will be distributed at the same time. Everyone must gather at the specified exit within seven days and then leave. Of course, these seven days are not just a simple time travel, but there are also some tasks. It is required to collect [-] kinds of different plants, [-] low-level magic beast cores, [-] intermediate magic cores, and [-] high-level magic core. The gas level is high level, and the final score will be determined according to the registration of the plants you collected and the level of the magic core, everyone, come on."

I knew that the finals would not be too simple, but Wu Yuyu didn't say anything about such a request. Besides, as far as high-level people are concerned, there is a talisman given by her when they meet, so Wu Yuyu is not worried at all. Disciples are in danger.

"In addition, I will send two danger alarm communication jade pendants to each team. If you encounter something that can't be dealt with, just crush the jade pendant, and the elder in charge will appear to help solve it. However, each team only has one chance. After that, if you encounter danger again, if you crush the alarm jade pendant for the second time, it will be regarded as giving up the game and voluntarily withdrawing from the finals, do you understand?"

"Understood." All three teams nodded and shouted.

"Okay, let's draw the entrance map first. Xuanzong, who is the first in the rematch, will come first, then Misty Sect. Finally, Jianzong." In fact, the first two are drawn, and the last one is not used. It's just a map.

Gu Luo got the west entrance and the map, and Misty Palace is difficult, so the last Jianzong is the north, and then he got the map, the exit is the east, so when he opened Xuanzong, he had to cross directly, and Misty Palace and Jianzong Zong needs to turn and cross, no matter which one it is, the distance is actually the same, and he has to look for plants and monsters in it.

After they were all drawn, Wu Guangying asked the three elders of Misty Palace to lead a team each, and led them to the entrance. Gu Luo and others waved to Wu Yugu and the others, and then entered the west entrance.

This monster forest is near the Misty Palace, and it is the only monster forest on the island where the Misty Palace is located. The entire area can be said to be small, but it surrounds the Misty Palace. It can be said that the three sides of the Misty Palace are actually this monster. part of the forest.

Entering from the west, you need to cross the entire mountain range directly, but for Gu Luo and the others, there is no rush, they can use their own abilities to pass through the Warcraft Forest near Death Valley, and their aura was sealed at that time, so for them now , this challenge is really not a challenge.

But they will not be too negligent, after all, this is the World of Warcraft Forest.

For plants, low-level ones may not be used, but Gu Luo still asked them to pick a hundred kinds first, and the low-level one hundred kinds are used as a backup.

(End of this chapter)

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