After the movie

Chapter 2028 Divide the spoils

Chapter 2028 Divide the spoils (eight more)
Gu Luo said directly: "Actually, the value of the two is about the same, one is of the mutant wind type, and the other is of the earth type, Chen Chong, I remember that your monster is of the earth type, at this moment the earth type magic core is given to you Demonic beast eats it, raise its grade, anyway, it is useless for us to mutate the wind element, so we will hand it over."

"Team, let's talk about mine later, the eighth rank is always higher than the seventh rank." Chen Chong said.

"It's okay, just use it. It's rare for us to come here. There are still a few days left. Are there only two high-end ones? You underestimate us too much. You can just look for it when the time comes. If it doesn't work, just look for it." The result will not be bad if you use the variant wind system." Gu Luo said: "The instructor taught us that we must first satisfy our own conditions before we can satisfy other people's requirements."

Feeling that he has a reason to do so, and the reason for doing so was put forward by Aimee Wu.

The spectators looked at Aimu Wu with dissatisfaction, and Aimu Wu laughed dryly: "I said that at the time, but I just said it when I encouraged them after sealing their spiritual power. I didn't expect them to implement it so thoroughly, proving that they Friendship, besides, they are right, you have to be full before you can take care of others."

Auntie Wu looked confident after speaking: "Besides, I think the wind system seems to be good, and it can still be used."

The wind element is good, it is a mutated element, but there are few people who can cultivate the mutated element. Relatively speaking, everyone welcomes the eighth-level magic core of the earth element.

After listening to Gu Luo's words, Chen Chong nodded: "Okay, then I will give this magic core to my family."

Xiaoxiao is Chen Chong's beast pet, and Chen Chong directly put away the eighth-level magic core.

Ouyang Mingyue saw this and asked: "The members of your team, don't you all have a beast pet?"

"It's normal. We crossed the Warcraft Forest in Death Valley, and we also passed through Death Valley, so it's normal to have beast pets, so don't make a fuss." Aimee Wu hit them directly again.

Ouyang Mingyue was speechless: "It seems that everyone has it."

"Then why don't they use monsters to open the way?" Jian Wuxin asked.

"Low-key, keep your strength." Wu Yuyu replied: "Any hole cards have to be hidden, so you can see clearly, what if you come to plot people, so there is no harm in being low-key."

Everyone can understand this.

Gu Luo saw that Chen Chong had accepted the eighth-level magic core, and looked around: "The temperature here is good, there should be a lot of plants, let's see if there are any mid-level and high-level plants, and if there are, everyone will pick them by the way."

In a word, take advantage of this time, everyone rush to rob this place.Everyone nodded in unison in understanding, and then searched, and quickly found almost ten kinds of mid-level plants.

"Although there are not many, it is still satisfactory." Gu Luo said: "Everyone rest for a quarter of an hour, and then move on."

Because there used to be high-level monsters in this place, low-level ones would not come here. It is very relaxing to rest here for a quarter of an hour, and you don't have to worry about any monsters coming back to attack.

A quarter of an hour later, they set off again, and they couldn't rest until they arrived at the place specified by Gu Luo. They passed along the way, but this time there was nothing advanced. All they encountered were low-level animals, even though they were low-level animals. , but most of them are third-level, because the low-level ones need 100 yuan magic core, so Gu Luo and the others are not relentless.

(End of this chapter)

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