After the movie

Chapter 2045 2 Jin

Chapter 2045 Twelve Jin Ten (Fifth)
Once you understand the background, you will naturally have new ideas. Although this time is a pity, it will definitely succeed next time. The Yin Yang Sect master waved his hand: "Continue to stare at these sects, I want to see how long they can support, Let the ghost come to me."

"Yes." The black mist man turned into black mist and disappeared.

The master of the Yin Yang Sect frowned, as if he was thinking about something, and finally closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath.

Ouyang Mingyue looked at all this without any expression, just flicked her hand, and the butterfly flew out in one direction, while Ouyang Mingyue disappeared in front of everyone again.

The single competition on the fourth day is Twelve to Ten, which is the top ten competition.

Wu Guangying came out and announced the rules: "Twelve promotions to ten, 12 people are divided into three groups, take turns to face the enemy, and the top ten will be determined according to the number of games won."

That is to say, this time everyone has to fight at least two times, and then adjust the ranking according to the results. No wonder it takes a day for the [-]th promotion and the [-]th promotion.

The first twelve started to draw venues, and they were divided into groups according to the venues. The three of Xuanzong were lucky, and each of them was drawn to a venue. The three of Misty Sect were also lucky.

Jian Wuxin at the side looked unhappy, and came to Xuanzong's side to sit down: "Young Sect Master Gu knows about Xuanzong's recent situation."

Gu Chenfeng already knew what happened to Xuanzong through the communicator, and smiled slightly: "I don't know which thing Sect Master Jian is talking about?"

"It's the surprise attack." Jian Wuxin himself is quite straightforward, so he doesn't hide it: "Just last night, Jianzong was attacked by a group of men in black. After hearing from various sources, I'm sure that other sects also was also attacked."

Gu Chenfeng listened to Jian Wuxin's blunt words and didn't hide anything: "I'm dissatisfied with Sect Master Jian, Xuanzong was indeed attacked last night, but it's okay, because our Sect Master is here, and because of Xuanzong's background, all 120 men in black were killed. Went out."

After hearing this, Jian Wuxin said: "The appearance of these people is a bit weird."

"Well, according to the news from our suzerain, these people are probably puppets, because they didn't show any signs of stopping after being injured, and they seemed to only know how to attack." Gu Chenfeng gave the answer.

puppet!Although Jian Wuxin didn't personally face what happened to Jianzong, but after hearing what Gu Chenfeng said, he decided to contact Jianzong, so he kept in touch with Jianzong. Sure enough, the answer given by Jianzong was the same. Same answer.

puppet?Jian Wuxin glanced at the Yin-Yang Sect master not far away. The Yin-Yang Sect is a good place to make puppets, and it seems that there was no news of the Yin-Yang Sect being attacked last night. Could it be that the Yin-Yang Sect really made it?
Xie Jifan said indifferently: "The Misty Palace was actually attacked last night, but it was destroyed by Sect Master Ouyang without making a sound."

"How do you know?" Jian Wuxin asked casually.

Xie Jifan chuckled: "I saw it with my own eyes." In fact, he also made a move, of course Xie Jifan would not say this.

Jian Wuxin thought it was Xie Jifan who accidentally saw it when he went out, and didn't care about anything else, but at the moment his heart was heavy: "Where are those people coming from?"

Xie Jifan chuckled: "Go and investigate if you want to know. I heard that Palace Master Ouyang is already investigating. If you want to know the latest news, Sect Master Jian, I suggest you go and inquire with Palace Master Ouyang."

(End of this chapter)

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