After the movie

Chapter 2063 The Field Race Begins

Chapter 2063 The field race begins (three more)

"Go ahead, the time limit is today, after today, you will have no right to appeal." Aimee Wu retorted lightly.

"Mom, when are we going to visit the Demon Realm?" Ze'er asked curiously.

Wu Yuyu thought for a while: "I don't know, maybe it will take a while, but your cultivation is not bad in the realm of comprehension, but if you really go to the world of immortals and demons, you won't be able to, so hurry up and practice."

"Does Mom want to ascend?" Qi'er asked.

Aimee Wu sighed: "It's been a bit difficult to suppress recently. After all, I'm not an immortal emperor, and I don't have that much immortal power to suppress, so after a while, when the matter in the cultivation world comes to an end, I think I'm going to leave."

"Well, mom, go to the fairyland to develop, we will practice hard here." Ze'er, the youngest, spoke the most mature words instead.

Aimee Wu smiled lightly and said, "Even if I want to leave, I have to make arrangements for you, as well as your brothers and sisters. You have practiced, and your dad will definitely be free then."

Hehe, everyone laughed dryly and stopped talking.

The wilderness survival competition has begun. In the wilderness survival competition, each sect originally participated in a disciple must participate. Each disciple of the sect will score after completing the task, and finally score comprehensively, with a full score of [-].

Dongfangying took a look at everyone: "This time we all act together first, complete the same tasks, and then separate, still according to the same content, and we may have to act individually in the end, but we are trained by the instructors to work alone. There is no need to worry about this, but everyone should be careful when going out."

"Okay, Dongfangying, don't be a mother-in-law." Others listened to nothing, but Pei Jiaer, who was watching from the sidelines, felt that Dongfangying was a mother-in-law.

Dongfangying glanced at her future daughter-in-law speechlessly: "Jia'er, stay here obediently with Elder Wu, and then welcome us back."

"Go, go." Pei Jia'er waved his hand happily: "I will make Ling soy milk and oily fruit for you to eat."

"Okay." Dongfangying nodded with a smile, and then led everyone away in big strides.

The time to survive in the wild is three days. During these three days, everyone will have tasks. Of course, there are not as many tasks as the team, but everyone's tasks are still different. Some are to find plants, some are to find fruits, and some Finding the Warcraft Demon Core, anyway, the task content is similar, but because it is a single-soldier battle, the task level is relatively small.

To Xuanzong's people, these can only be regarded as relatively small things, and they are nothing at all.

It's enough for Wu Yuyu to penetrate this place where she lives in the wild with her mental power. As for the others, as long as these disciples are not in danger, she will naturally not appear.

Ouyang Mingyue saw Aimu Wu casually sitting aside, talking to a few children, thought for a while, and walked over: "Mrs. Xie."

Aimin Wu glanced at Ouyang Mingyue, and felt that his "Mrs. Xie" seemed to have some purpose, so she looked at Ouyang Mingyue for a while, and then said, "Palace Master Ouyang, what's the matter?"

"I want to have a good chat with Mrs. Xie." After Ouyang Mingyue said this, Auntie Wu pondered for a moment, nodded, and then stood up: "Let's go, let's talk over there."

(End of this chapter)

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