After the movie

Chapter 2068 Dark Breath

Chapter 2068 Dark Breath (Eighth)
Following the direction of Wu Yuyu's finger, Ouyang Mingyue also felt the same, he frowned slightly: "There should be a sect disciple in that direction, but I don't know which sect disciple it is?"

Wu Yuyu thought for a while and said: "Let me try to sense it." Wu Yuyu is not only the emperor of water but also the mother of nature, so she can know everything that happened from plants. Open your eyes: "Hurry up, there is danger." She flew in one direction, and Ouyang Mingyue hurriedly followed.

I saw that there was a corpse where Wu Yuyu and the others went. Although it had been treated, Wu Yuyu could feel the bloody violence at that time: "Dead." Wu Yuyu said.

She was indeed dead. The clothes on the corpse should belong to the disciples of the Yin-Yang Sect, and there was still a dark aura left on the corpse. She frowned slightly: "The dark aura, could it be that the master of the Yin-Yang Sect killed his own disciple?"

Ouyang Mingyue closed her eyes slightly, as if thinking of something: "No, the number of disciples participating in the field survival has not changed."

It has not changed, that is, there are still 100 people, so who is the dead person? Wu Yuyu's heart skipped a beat, and she glanced at the corpse again: "It's a pity that this corpse was destroyed. If it wasn't destroyed, we would know who died." Who is it?"

Destroying the corpse makes people unrecognizable, maybe this is the purpose of the other party, both Ouyang Mingyue and Wu Yuyu have thought of this, and the most important thing right now is to figure out who the destroyed person is.

Wu Yuyu thought for a while and said with a smile: "In fact, my family is said to be from the Taoist sect."

"What do you mean?" Ouyang Mingyue looked at Aimu Wu in confusion.

Wu Yuyu said with a smile: "Xuanmen learns all mysterious techniques, which can calculate a person's past and future by pinching fingers, and can condense a person's ghost through talisman paper."

"So." Ouyang Mingyue looked at Wu Yuyu and understood a little: "You first condense the ghost?"

Wu Yuyu said: "I learned fur, and I can only condense for five seconds, but I think five seconds is enough for us to see who this person is, so that we can investigate a lot." If Ouyang Mingyue hadn't become her brother now, Aimee Wu would not trust him.

But now that I trust it, I won’t doubt it, so Wu Yuyu will occasionally show some ability. Besides, this kind of Xuanmen numerology has been useless for a long time. I thought I would rarely use it in the future, but now I see it Come on, I still need to use it.

"I've heard that in the Zhuge family, their academics are odd numbers. Unexpectedly, you can do it too." Ouyang Mingyue said casually.

"Will the Zhuge family do it too?" Wu Yuyu's eyes flickered slightly, she didn't expect to hear this news, which was good news, but she didn't say anything at the moment.

Wu Yuyu said: "Don't worry about it, let me condense my soul first."

"Okay." Ouyang Mingyue guarded the surroundings so that no one would disturb Wu Yuyu.

With a slight movement of Wu Yuyu's hand, a table appeared, and then blank talisman paper, cinnabar, and pen were placed on it. Wu Yuyu held the pen in his left hand, gestured with his right hand, and began to draw the talisman paper with cinnabar. Soon a piece of talisman paper appeared, leaving All the rest of the talisman took back the space.

Facing the talisman paper, Aimee Wu shook her hand slightly, and the talisman paper burned, and then Aimee Wu began to condense the lotus handprint with both hands, and the first word of the nine-character mantra can make the ghost come.

(End of this chapter)

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