After the movie

Chapter 2129 Zhang 3 Li 4

Chapter 2129 Zhang San Li Si (ninth update)
"Have you heard that a mysterious Taoist came to the city lord's mansion, who is said to be accepting disciples for the mysterious sect?" Someone in the teahouse was passing the news.

"Forget it, there is no peace here recently, and people are panicking. More than 20 people have disappeared in our village, so I won't go." There are timid ones.

"Cowards, people in your village are missing. Are there any missing people from the city lord's mansion? If you want me to tell you, the safest place is the city lord's mansion. Don't forget that many people have disappeared in other villages, but there seems to be no one in the city lord's mansion. The person disappeared, I heard that this is because of the existence of a mysterious Taoist, whose cultivation is absolutely high." The person continued.

"Zhao you said so, as long as this mysterious Taoist is around, we don't have to be afraid." The timid person from before said.

"That's natural. This is Rainbow City, who dares to come to the city to arrest people." The man in front said.

"Well, let me think about it carefully." Timidly said.

"Li Si, you are too timid. If you have such a good opportunity, you won't go. Let me tell you. I planned to tell you because I knew you since I was a child. I won't tell anyone else." For your good looks.

"Zhang San, don't say such things. I'm a timid person. Besides, I still have a wife and children to take care of at home. If something really happens to me, they will have nothing to rely on." Although Li Si was timid, It's small, but it can't be denied that it's very thoughtful.

"Forget it, I also told you about this matter. Anyway, I will go to sign up in a while, and if I sign up, I may not be able to be selected." Zhang San said.

Nian'er heard this and asked curiously: "Brother Zhang, will the City Lord's Mansion accept foreigners like us?"

Zhang San laughed when he heard someone cheering him up: "Of course, as long as you have the qualifications, even if you are foreigners, they will all want you, but if you don't have enough qualifications, then there is no way."

"Aptitude is innate, we just want to ask if we have this possibility." Nian'er said with a smile.

"Little brother, it seems that you are still young. If you want me to tell you, you should be cautious about this kind of thing." Li Si said: "Our Rainbow City has not been peaceful recently, so you should be careful."

Zhang San was dissatisfied when he heard this: "Li Si, what are you doing, poaching the corner of my brother and me, besides, I have told you that this Rainbow City is very safe, if you feel unsafe, you can still Come out, why don't you stay home and live on the kang with your wife in your arms?"

"Zhang San, you can't say that. You can't deny that it's not safe recently. Although no one is missing in Rainbow City, everyone can see that the atmosphere in Rainbow City is different now. There are so many people entering and exiting. Nothing happened, the interrogation is so strict, if you don’t say anything else, just say me, I was interrogated once when I came in yesterday, and it was the fellow in our village who interrogated me. Today, I came and I interrogated again. This has never happened before.”

As soon as Li Si said this, the originally noisy atmosphere in the teahouse became quiet.

"Li Si, you are trying to confuse people. If you are discovered by the patrol soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion, you will not be able to finish your meal." Zhang San's expression was obviously not good.

"I didn't say anything else, I just advised this little brother to be more cautious. If you really yearn for the sect, wait two years, and the top ten sects will start accepting disciples." Li Si said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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