After the movie

Chapter 2134 Joining forces

Chapter 2134 Joining forces (four more)
Jue'er looked at it for a while, then shook his head slightly: "How can this crystal ball be destroyed?" Jue'er looked back at Nian'er: "Brother, do you know?"

"I don't know, but you can inform your parents. They will know when they come." Nian'er paused here, and Jue'er also thought of the same thing. Mother?"

"It's over. If mom finds out, she will definitely punish us." Jue'er was helpless. If Xie Jifan was there, as one of the only daughters, she could still pass by acting like a baby, but now she has to face Aimee Wu In Aimee Wu's heart, regardless of boys or girls, right is right and wrong is wrong, so in fact, the children are still quite afraid of Aimee Wu.

"How about, big brother, let's run away from home and go find Dad first." Jue'er made a suggestion that didn't make much sense.

"Do you think dad will let us go? Dad is a strict wife. He agrees with what mom says. Mom said today that the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. He must think so. Is Dad useful?" Nian'er directly pierced Jue'er's dream.

"Brother, can you stop piercing my dream so cruelly." Jue'er pouted dissatisfied.

Nian'er said seriously, "I call it facing reality."

"The reality, the reality is that Big Brother Chen is at a disadvantage, and you haven't stepped forward to help." Jue'er said seriously.

Nian'er can also see that Chen Da's cultivation is actually on par with this Taoist. If it is the usual victory or defeat, I don't know who it is, but now Chen Daxian attacked the dark crystal and was injured by the power of the dark crystal, so now It is obvious that it has fallen behind.

Nian'er also knew that if he didn't defeat the Taoist, it would be difficult to destroy everything here, so Nian'er came up without saying a word, Nian'er shot very quickly, and his weapon was the materialization of elements Although the dagger was short, it was very useful, and the attacking Taoist was a little flustered.

"Little brother, not bad." Chen Da saw that Nian'er's cultivation was obviously good.

Nian'er nodded embarrassingly: "I'm overwhelmed, I can only say that I'm talented and smart, and I have such a strong cultivation base at such a young age." The housekeeper at the side saw that Nian'er made a move, thinking that he had a chance, so he thought to slip away.

"Master Butler, don't move." Jue'er said slowly, and the clear voice was heard in the butler's ears, but it felt like a demon: "If you don't move, I won't make a move. If you move, I may You will miss, and if you miss, you will lose your life, so it is better not to move, I am a child, if the shot is not light or heavy, it will not be good for you, right? "

This is not dissuading, it is simply threatening, threatening the other party, don't move, I will kill you if you move.

With the addition of Nian'er, the Taoist was obviously unable to hold on anymore. The Taoist was in a hurry, so he let out a long roar, shouted loudly, and saw five men in black appeared in mid-air.

"People from the dark clan are actually buried in the city lord's mansion. You must know that this is within the range of Yunmen, so you are not afraid of alarming Yunmen." Nian'er said slowly.

"Yunmen can't take care of themselves now, so they can't control us. In a word, you all must surrender or die." Probably because he had someone to help, the Taoist seemed embarrassed.

Nian'er sighed helplessly: "Why are you so stupid? Don't you know that the real opponent is not counted according to the number of people? Jue'er, the Liangyi formation."

(End of this chapter)

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