After the movie

Chapter 2169 The legend is true

Chapter 2169 The legend is true (nine more)
His murderous aura was not concealed, so Ouyang Mingyue and the others clearly felt it, but they pretended not to see anything, especially Ouyang Mingyue still had a gentle smile on his face, as if he came here to inform them, so he said: " I know that you are very angry, Sect Master of the Yin Yang Sect, that someone pretends to be you like this, if what I say next, I'm afraid you will be even more angry."

"What else do you have, just say it all at once." The lord of the Yin Yang Sect wanted to know how much Ouyang Mingyue got here, and how much he knew about the Dark Clan in the realm of comprehension.

Ouyang Mingyue smiled slightly and said: "Actually, this matter started a long time ago. At that time, the world was relatively chaotic. Later, the ancestors opened up the world and created a prosperous age, which made the world clear. Among them, Those chaotic factors were controlled and sealed in a very narrow place. As a result, after a long time, the people and things in that place were eroded by the chaotic factors, thus a new race was born. What is the name of this race itself, we will not ask, but we here call them the dark race, the filthy race born in the dark, which shouldn't exist in the first place, but human beings are too lenient, as long as they don't threaten As far as they are concerned, they didn't intend to deal with it, but they didn't know that this person didn't hurt the tiger's intentions, but the tiger hurt people's hearts. The place where the dark people were not satisfied with being sealed was too narrow, so they tried every means to come out, and the first place to appear was the mortals. Because the seven emotions and six desires in the hearts of mortals are more than those of monks, monks are greedy for purity in practice, but mortals are greedy for everything, human beings have too much desire, and the dark people are very good at exploiting loopholes. A small number of human beings, and even some people, have become puppets of these people."

Having said that, Ouyang Mingyue glanced at the Yin Yang Sect Master again: "Fortunately, these things were finally discovered by some powerful people. They united again and sealed the entire Dark Race. It's a pity, after all, it's a seal. It's been a long time. There will be looseness, so the dark people have come out to make trouble again." Having said that, Ouyang Mingyue stopped talking, and glanced at the Yin-Yang Sect Master: "I don't know if the Sect Master has heard of this matter."

"There's nothing to hear about boring legends." The Yin Yang Sect Master said casually.

Ouyang Mingyue shook her head disapprovingly: "This is not a boring legend, it is passed down from the elder generation, and it happened for real, otherwise I wouldn't know such details." Speaking of which, Ouyang Mingyue looked at the Yin-Yang Sect Master again: "If the Sect Master thinks this is just a boring legend, then it is a big mistake."

The master of Yinyang Sect looked at Ouyang Mingyue with both eyes: "Ouyang Palace is in charge of too much."

"The existence of the dark race affects our entire comprehension world, so it's good to take care of it a little bit, so that everyone doesn't know what's good or bad. It's not good if you do something wrong, especially if you are cheated, it will be even more troublesome It's gone." Ouyang Mingyue's expression seemed so sincere, his eyes shone with scorching light, and seemed to shine even brighter, but this sparkle was a special kind of irony in the eyes of the lord of the Yin-Yang Sect. Ouyang Mingyue seemed to be thinking about something, but Ouyang Mingyue didn't speak again, but was waiting for the master of Yinyang Sect to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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