After the movie

Chapter 2178 Metamorphosis

Chapter 2178 Metamorphosis (eight more)
"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, when walking the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, sees that the five aggregates are all empty, and overcomes all hardships. Relic, the color is not different from the empty, the empty is not different from the color, the color is empty, the empty is the color, and the thought is recognized. The same is true. Relic Son, it is the empty phase of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing. Therefore, there is no color in the air, no thoughts, thoughts, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, colorless sound, fragrance, touch, and vision. , even the unconscious world. There is no ignorance, nor the end of ignorance, nor even old age and death, nor the end of old age and death. There is no suffering and death, no wisdom and no gain. Because there is no gain, Bodhisattva, according to Prajna Paramita , There is no hindrance in the heart, no hindrance, no terror, far away from reversing dreams, and Nirvana. The Buddhas of the third age, according to Prajna Paramita, have obtained Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Therefore, we know that Prajna Paramita is a great god Curse, is the great Ming mantra, is the supreme mantra, is no other mantra, can get rid of all suffering, true and true. So say the Prajna Paramita mantra, that is to say, the mantra: Uncovering the truth, revealing the truth, revealing the truth, Boluo reveals the truth, Boluo reveals. Di Bodhi Sa Poha." Wu Yuyu's voice was very empty, as if an elf descended into the world, and also as if a Buddha came to visit. This fairy voice and witty words seemed to be the only one who truly understood the Buddha's will and conveyed the Buddha's love for the world.

There is no illusion, no birth, no birth and no death, emptiness and form are in the heart, and the five senses are responsive. No matter what the situation is, no matter what kind of person it is, they can feel the power of the Buddha at this moment.

The blood-clothed guards without intelligence, the blood-clothed guards clasped their hands one by one at this moment, and knelt down on the ground. The coercion of the Buddha suppressed the darkness on their bodies and sealed their viciousness.

Aimee Wu was in mid-air, stroking the Sanskrit music, singing the voice of Buddha, opening the gate of reincarnation, and saving the lost soul, the light of merit began to shine on her body, which seemed to be entangled with the vitality in her body, and gradually , Wu Yuyu seemed to be slightly shocked, the lotus bloomed on her forehead, she sat down on the lotus platform and appeared, as if a god descended, the fairy energy in her body turned instantly, and she felt a blow, all the breath that originally sealed the god of transformation disappeared, instantly, Her cultivation base began to rise, the early stage of transformation, the middle stage of transformation, the late stage of transformation, the peak of transformation, the early stage of fusion, the middle stage of fusion, the late stage of fusion, the peak of fusion, the early stage of Mahayana, the middle stage of Mahayana, and the late stage of Mahayana. At this moment, Wu Yuyu felt the danger. Such a breakthrough in the cultivation world would not be beneficial, but would bring turmoil to the cultivation world. Instead, she began to compress, from the peak of Mahayana that was about to break through to the late stage of Mahayana. In the middle stage, the early stage of Mahayana, and then compressed to the peak of the fusion, the later stage of the fusion, the middle stage of the fusion, and finally the early stage of the fusion, she did not compress any more.

However, after going back and forth like this for a while, it surprised a few people present, especially the suzerain of the Yin-Yang Sect, who was in a bad mood. Aimee Wu unexpectedly broke through to this level in an instant, and then returned, and then the dark cloud appeared in the Coming to the top of Yin Yang Sect, both Ouyang Mingyue and Xie Jifan knew that this was the thunder catastrophe before Aimee Wu's ascension. After the thunder catastrophe, Wu Yuyu's status as a monk would become a flying fairy and fly to the fairy world.

Auntie Wu looked up at the sky, then put away the piano, everything about her has already been shared with Xie Jifan, and everything about Xie Jifan has also been shared with her, so Auntie Wu can use the element of thunder, so naturally she can absorb the thunder disaster There was thunder and lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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