After the movie

Chapter 2229 Intentional

Chapter 2229 Deliberate (ninth update)

"It's okay, I really miss me, so come to the sky space to call me, I will come back, in fact, we can see each other at any time when we are separated." Aimee Wu is now a little grateful for the sky space that Hongmeng sent, because of it, so she and Xie Jifan doesn't have to worry about not being able to see each other when they are separated, on the contrary, as long as they meet each other, they can see each other at any time.

Xie Jifan nodded seriously, then seemed to think of something, and said: "Daughter-in-law, I forgot to tell you, I haven't tempted you to double cultivation during the past half a month of tenderness, which means we are real, if you Remember to tell me if you are pregnant."

Wu Yuyu was stunned for a long time before pointing at Xie Jifan: "You did it on purpose."

Xie Jifan nodded directly: "Well, on purpose, whoever let you be in the fairy world, I'm not by your side, and that Ouyang Mingyue is eyeing him, so I just have to make this bad plan. Of course, if you're not pregnant, you don't have to." Don’t worry, let’s keep working hard.”

"Get out, am I in a hurry? What am I in a hurry for?" Wu Yuyu was annoyed. She was a mother of five children, and she still had a few yarns.

Xie Jifan left with a smile, and before leaving, he did not forget to sneak a sneak attack on Aimu Wu: "Daughter-in-law, I will miss you, don't worry, I will come back anytime to pay the rations with you."

"Get out, I'm really shameless." Wu Yuyu scolded with a smile, kicked him directly, drove him away, guessed it by herself, and returned to Bu Zhoushan's abdomen.

According to the things passed down in her memory, she has now controlled everything in Buzhou Mountain, so she knows that there are actually several barriers in Buzhou Mountain, and the outermost part of the barrier is the depression that everyone sees, and some common herbs On the second floor, there are better herbs, on the third floor there are some very rare herbs, and on the fourth floor are fairy stones.

Aimee Wu intends to go to the third layer of enchantment to see if she will find the white jade grass, but now the medicinal material of the Chongyang Pill is inferior to the white jade grass.

Wu Yuyu walked into the third barrier, and in the third barrier, Wu Yuyu could still see everything outside, including the sunlight, but no one could see everything under the barrier.

Wu Yuyu walked slowly, the medicinal materials in the third barrier are very good, mainly because this layer is the closest to the immortal stone, because the immortal energy is relatively abundant, so the medicinal materials in this layer are indeed the best.

Auntie Wu searched here again, and there are indeed quite a few medicinal herbs, some of which are more than ten thousand years old, but she did not find white jade grass, and she was not disappointed, after all, things like white jade grass only existed in legends, so she didn't Urgently, I picked some needed medicinal materials, returned to the center of Buzhou Mountain’s abdomen, and then entered the sky space to refine some pills before I planned to leave Buzhou Mountain. More than 20 days have passed.

Auntie Wu decided to go out, and now Buzhou Mountain is her own, and she can come back whenever she wants to, but in order to prevent people from discovering what is inside Buzhou Mountain, Wu Yunyu directly set up a concealment formation at the third barrier of Buzhou Mountain, Now she is already a god, although she can't be regarded as a real god, but at least she is half a god, so the hidden formation set up cannot be deciphered by others, even if Ouyang Mingyue is here, she cannot be deciphered.

After doing all this, Aimee Wu left Buzhou Mountain, opened the map given by senior brother Fan Yunxian last time, and decided to set off for the Immortal Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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