After the movie

Chapter 2298 She Made It All

Chapter 2298 is all done by her (eight more)

Wu Yuyu's words don't need to be too clear, she believes that Zhu Rong will understand.Zhu Rong did understand, and after hearing this, her complexion became even worse. She had countless misunderstandings with Gong Gong, but all along, she always believed that the misunderstandings would one day dissipate, as long as the misunderstanding dissipated, Gong Gong could Back to her side, but now, Gong Gong's apprentice has woken her up. Wu Yuyu's words all said one thing, that is, it is impossible for her and Gong Gong to coexist.

"No, what you said is not right. I and Gonggong were born together. If I and Gonggong were incompatible, we wouldn't have existed at the same time." Zhu Rong didn't want to believe this fact, so he began to refute Wu Yuyu's words.

But Wu Yuyu said with a smile: "Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, the five elements generate and restrain each other. This is the truth that everyone knows. As long as the elements are balanced, the world is also balanced. You are hot, and my master is gentle, so I always let you. This is yours." Xiangrong, if you and my master can always think about it like this, it's not bad, but you just want to do it, and it's annoying. When you were with Hei Yao, did you ever think about my master's feelings? When you used Hei Yao to attack my master, did you ever think that he would also be heartbroken, he made you perfect, and you didn't appear in front of you, but you were not convinced, thinking that he looked down on you, you made troubles, and you would marry you All his affection is gone, and now you are still asking me about his whereabouts, what qualifications do you think you have to ask, what face do you have to ask, do you think you are worthy to mention my master in front of me? "

Wu Yuyu's three questions were sharper than the other. Zhu Rong was stunned after hearing Wu Yuyu's words. In fact, she has always known her own shortcomings, but she always thought that Gonggong would tolerate him, because Gonggong and her were born. In tolerating her, she thought that even if she didn't show up, Gonggong would show up one day, and then they could laugh away their grievances, but now she found that everything seemed to be taken for granted by her, and Gonggong had entered reincarnation Dao, even if he can return to the God Realm in the future, he will not be her co-worker. He has a new life and new concerns, so what about her, what is left of her.

"I, I don't believe that Gonggong will treat me like this. You said, she has been waiting for me." Zhu Rong looked at Wu Yuyu, his eyes were full of hope, hoping that Wu Yuyu would tell her that Zhu Rong couldn't bear her.

Wu Yuyu glanced at Zhu Rong: "You were born at the same time as Tiandi anyway, why are you still so childish?"

"Aimu Wu, don't talk nonsense." Hong Liang saw that Zhu Rong was in pain, so she wanted to stop Aimu Wu from talking.

Wu Yuyu snorted and said: "Where am I talking nonsense, isn't she naive, isn't naive, don't you know that she and Gonggong are the elements of the same life? The reason why he gave up is because he knew that I would untie his obsession, and in this regard, she is the one who can't figure it out, and the pain is also caused by her own entanglement, so it doesn't matter to me."

Wu Yuyu leaned into Xie Jifan's arms after finishing speaking: "Besides, if she really liked my master back then, with her ability, wouldn't she be able to find my master? It's a joke."

Zhu Rong smiled bitterly: "You are right, everything is my fault, but my feelings for him have always been true."

(End of this chapter)

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