After the movie

Chapter 2336 Refining Chongyang Pill

Chapter 2336 Refining Chongyang Pill (six more)

"What are multicolored stones? Is it something that the legendary Nuwa Empress mended the sky?" Wu Yuyu asked curiously.

Xie Jifan shook his head: "No, the five-colored stone actually hides the secrets of founding, and the five colors of the five-colored stone are gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five elements."

Ouyang Mingyue said: "I have also heard the legend of the colorful stones, but no one has ever known where the colorful stones are. How could that person know that there are colorful stones in the fairy world, and since he sent a magician here, I'm afraid it won't There is only one magician here."

Xie Jifan nodded: "I also thought of this question, so in the past few days, you should check it carefully, and if there is a magic cultivator, just let me know."

"I thought you wanted to investigate with me." Ouyang Mingyue said.

Xie Jifan shook his head: "You are more convenient than me in the fairy world, and Aimee wants to refine the Chongyang Pill, I want to refine the stone, and learn about the Profound Truth card by the way, so I have to leave this matter to you."

"I still want to learn the ancient formation." Ouyang Mingyue said with a wry smile.

"Let's take turns, wait for me to recover, and then you can go to learn the ancient formations and understand the profound card." Xie Jifan sincerely said, now that this happened, we really can't retreat all of them, we can only come in turn.

Ouyang Mingyue also understands this, so although she also wanted to retreat, she still worked hard after all. As soon as Xie Jifan and Wu Yuyu returned to the fairy palace, they went back to the room directly, and then retreated. The two entered the sky space.

As soon as they entered the sky space, the husband and wife separated. Wu Yuyu entered the alchemy room and began to prepare the Chongyang Pill, while Xie Jifan went to the alchemy room to study stones and esoteric cards.

Aimee Wu first sorted out the medicinal materials. The medicinal materials of Chongyang Pill are a bit complicated, but the preliminary work has been prepared. What Wu Yuyu has to do now is to adjust the essence, and then start refining the elixir.

Wu Yuyu adjusted her breath first with her knees crossed. With the Tianyuan Pearl in her hand, Wu Yuyu's essence had already been adjusted to the best state. She took out the Qiankun Cauldron, and then used the rebirth grass, the flower of thick soil, which was used to refine Chongyang Pill, to go against the sky. Wood, white jade grass, Jiuyin flower, Guishang Yuankui, and Luoyang wood are all sorted out. First, all these medicinal materials are refined, and then thrown into the Qiankun cauldron little by little. After throwing all the medicinal materials into the Qiankun cauldron, Wu Yuyu let out Yin Yang Fire.

Chongyang Pill focuses on Chongyang, so the adjustment of yin and yang fire is very important. Wu Yuyu can refine Chongyang Pill, firstly because the medicinal materials are complete, and secondly, Wu Yuyu Qiankun Ding and Yinyanghuo, Chongyang itself is against the sky, because of this yin and yang Tai Chi Turn around again, against the heavens and the universe to create reincarnation, so if anyone in this world can refine Chongyang Pill, then only Wu Yuyu can, because she has everything to refine Chongyang Pill.

But even so, the level of Chongyang Pill is close to Emperor Grade, higher than Jun Grade, so Wu Yuyu still has to be careful, Wu Yuyu is now an alchemist at the peak of Junpin, if he can break through this time, he will be the current Emperor Grade alchemist.

Aimee Wu controlled the yin and yang fire, kept looking at the Qiankun cauldron with her eyes, and injected natural vitality into it from time to time, which could improve the quality of the elixir. Aimee Wu's elixir is of good quality because it contains her vitality.

At about the same time, Wu Yuyu put in chalcedony. The purpose of chalcedony is to purify the purity of Chongyang Dan. Ordinary elixir will have erysipelas, but the elixir with chalcedony will not contain erysipelas.

(End of this chapter)

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